MondayMemories | Island Hopping on Day Two of Cagayan Valley Tour

in Pinmapple4 years ago (edited)

Second part of our Cagayan Valley tour from last year. How fast time flew by! I can't wait till things get back to normal. We do have lots more goals to fulfill.

Santa Ana

San Vicente Port was our starting point. This was the second day of the Cagayan Valley Tour. We were actually delayed as we had to wait for the rest of the tour groups. It was a good thing we still had enough time to visit all the places on the itinerary list.

My rating: 9/10

Cape Engaño

Our first island stop was to trek and visit the Cape Engano Lighthouse. If you have followed my posts, you'd probably know how lighthouses fascinate me. I always wanted to climb atop them too. This was also the location of one Survivors series season. We stopped to take photos as we rested on the climb up. Almost 250 steps to get to the top.

My rating: 9/10

Punta Verde

Next island stop was the inhabited part of the island where folks actually live. It's on the other side of the Palaui Island. Here we trekked some more to visit the Baratubut Waterfall. It was too dry in Cagayan that time that not much water is left of the waterfall. This was where we also stopped for lunch.

My rating: 8/10

Anguib Beach

Third island stop where we finally got to freshen up on the refreshing water and lovely beach. Anguib Beach was a surprise for us. It was also dubbed as the Boracay of the North. I remember being too happy when we finally got to enjoy the beach. Too bad summer this year is postponed.

My rating: 10/10

Crocodile Island

Last stop was Crocodile Island which was more like a gigantic rock formation than an island. My daughter got off the boat and climbed atop the formation. She also took and shared some videos. From here we headed back to port.

My rating: 8/10

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all the placces looks pretty amazing, It looks that you have enjoyed a lot there.

Yes it was fun 😊😊