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RE: The Loos of Blueberry Cafe

in Pinmapplelast year

A display of pumpkins greets one on arrival.

Those pumpkins are looking very realistic but i guess those are artificial. Isn't it?

The place is looking good to visit sometimes. Overall the environment there was looking very cool. Among many things the piano and the motorcycle catched my attention mostly.

See the photographs of food I can confidently say the it was good in taste 😅. I just woke up and now I am feeling more hungry to see food here😅.


It is a very special place indeed, we're definitely going back there as we need to see the brewery and other really quaint places along that route.

I loved that old piano as well :)

Thank you for stopping by @intishar.

Sorrry, I forgot to respond about the pumpkins, I believe they are real.
I actually have a massive one that's too beautiful to carve up and it's been sitting on display in my diningroom for months already! I hope the flesh starts drying out so I can keep it forever!