Rovinj in the palm of your hand

in Worldmappinlast year

There are difficult days when you are too tired and overwhelmed with work. And when you finally get your head out of everything you have been dealing with today, the only thing you want is to be transported with a magic wand to some beautiful place that you are happy to return to both in your dreams and in reality.

Recently, my sister-in-law visited Croatia with her husband. They were staying in Rovinj, an elegant old town in Istria.


Rovinj is a city that leaves me breathless again and again, as I look at its narrow pebbled streets and imagine that I am there again. I can almost hear footsteps echoing in the quiet street noise.



Whether it's dusk or day, the streets are equally charming.





I love the casualness of Rovinj, especially outside the summer season when there is not much crowd and you can hear every heartbeat of the town.



As you walk the streets, you feel as if the whole city is yours and welcomes you with silence and peace.



While walking through the streets, you feel as if the whole city is yours as it welcomes you with silence and peace. In Rovinj, every view around is an attraction, every building and colorful houses, every stone, every view of the sea.




The approach to the city is unique, you feel fantastic, as if you are holding the whole city in the palm of your hand.





Marina Rovinj has always been an inspiration for me. I love looking at all those boats waiting for their sailing.







Everything starts from the main square in Rovinj. There is a city clock, a marina, restaurants, streets leading to the old town...




There is also the Balbi's arch, one of the former seven city gates that represent the entrance to the old town.


It is amazing that Rovinj was once an island. And you really feel like you're on an island, surrounded by the sea. You can often see steps leading to the sea to fantastic views.



And really, everything in Rovinj is fantastic. There is no spot that is not beautiful. Beauty at every step reminds us of our responsibility in keeping it.


Thank you very much for reading.

The images and writing are original and mine.



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I enjoyed your tour to the city 😍
I hope you manage to trip more . It's really refreshing ✨👌

I am glad you found it interesting. Thank you🤗

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I find the narrow alley nostalgic.. And the night view with lights on is truly pretty and calming..

Another awesome sea city where to enjoy and to meet 🤗❤

Alleys in Rovinj are very clean, organized and very tidy. Would love to visit it if the opportunity arises. You share something that really interests me.

One of the pretties places in Cro, especially the walking path next to the sea!

Wonderful sight on above cathedral 😍

Wow one of my favourites city 😍 nice city

The colorful streets of Rovinj are very captivating! Thank you so much for your amazing photos and heartfelt writing.