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RE: Argentina - Sailing at the end of the world: visiting the lighthouse, cormorants, sea lions and penguin colonies. / Navegando en el fin del mundo: visitando el faro, cormoranes, lobos marinos y las colonias de pingüinos. 😃❤️

in Pinmapple28 days ago

I didn't know that this walk was so beautiful, and that there were many things to see, although the walk is expensive, it is worth the investment, I always thought that the city of Ushuaia where I was most lucky, now thanks to you we know The southernmost place in the world is Puerto Williams
What a shame they couldn't go down to Hammer Island, it would have been a beautiful experience to be closer to the penguins.
What a great walk you give us to know on this occasion, dear friend @lauramica, your photographs are really great
have a beautiful sunday


Thank you very much Luis! Yes, it was an expensive ride but it was worth it! It would have been fun to go down but I'm sure these animals would be frightened by our presence....