Naga City's Boardwalk: A Night to Remember

in Worldmappinlast month

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Hello, my fellow hivesventure! I hope you're excited for this blog! Today's post shall be all about the Boardwalk in Naga City. Yes, Boardwalk in Naga City! I will be able to share with you some pictures that I have taken and urge you to take a visit to this place; you would truly enjoy the nice scenery. Come join me, let's go!


The boardwalk is really close to my school, but I haven't been there for almost four months. Last Tuesday, I planned to visit to see any changes, and I was right—there are many improvements. I also went with my chess team. I arrived first and they told me to meet them at the street food area.


When I arrived at the street food area, I waited for them. After some minutes, they arrived, and we ordered some food. As we eat, we shared our experiences and feelings about the event, viewing it as an opportunity to help us improve ourselves in the future. Eating street food is really fine, worth the price as you are sure to be filled up. So, if you go to the Boardwalk in Naga City, don't worry—there are some cheap street foods. If you can spend a bit more, you can go to the nearby food court or the Parola restaurant.



After we ate, they said goodbye and went home, but I wanted to roam around the boardwalk some more. It was getting dark, and the lights were already on. The first place I visited was the "Faith, Love, and Hope" area. I started wondering what they meant by putting these words there. I believe the following words are symbols of needing to believe in and trust God. Love and hope shall never fade if you hang on.


From the "Faith, Love, and Hope" photo, my next destination was the boardwalk. The boardwalk was only a few steps from the pictures. I could clearly see that the boardwalk was extended in comparison with my last visit. This place is meant for anybody with life issues that find no solutions. Don't quit. Keep on fighting. Whatever is happening is the plan to make you strong in the future.


As I was walking, I saw some giant jackstones made of cement. They reminded me of my childhood when I used to play jackstone—it was really fun. Do you have any memories of playing this game? Let me know by commenting below.


After I had seen the big jackstones, I went to the other side. It is really beautiful here, especially at night. The lights reflect on the water, making it even more stunning.


Allow me to show you these photos. What do you think? It's really spacious, right? It can be tiring to explore every corner of the boardwalk, but every spot is beautiful and worth seeing.


After walking around, I stopped by the court because I saw some people playing volleyball. Even though I'm not good at it, I enjoy trying to play. Do you remember how you felt the first time you played volleyball? When the ball comes your way, it's so nerve-wracking. I remember when I first played, I had no experience but joined a barangay league. My teammates were the only ones who knew how to play, and I felt like a statue out there. HAHAHA!


Let's move on. After enjoying my night, I planned to go home since it was around 8 PM, and I still had to travel to Carcar, which takes 40 minutes. When I got to my motorcycle, I saw that Pasilong in Naga was open, so I went in. It was nice to visit Pasilong, but I didn't take many pictures because I felt shy and also forgot to take more.


After seeing Pasilong sa Naga, on my way home, I also noticed that the Museum was lit up. I really wanted to go inside, but I wasn't sure if it was open. Anyways, before I end this blog, I want to thank you for reading this far. I hope you enjoyed the place, and I hope you can visit it too. Bye, hivers! See you in my next blog.


The boardwalk of Naga City is really beautiful Sir @johnfritz246 I wish I could have the chance to visit the place this school break.

That sounds great @diamondinthesky! I hope you get to visit the boardwalk during the break!

I've been here once but it was during daytime, the fountain was not yet lit. It would be such a great sight to see it during night time. Naga really has one of the best plazas in the entire Cebu province. Thank you for sharing your experience. Have fun!☺︎♡

It must be nice at night! Naga does have a beautiful plaza. Thanks for sharing @heyitsjian!

This spot in Naga is one of the city's main highlights.

Yes, you are right. Do you have plans to visit this place @ifyouseechen?

I have heard about the Naga City boardwalk from friends and they said it was amazing, looking forward to go there soon.❤️✨

I have heard about the Naga City boardwalk from friends and they said it was amazing, looking forward to go there soon.❤️✨

I hope you have an amazing time when you get to go there soon @brandonwrites!

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That's a good place not gonna lie❤️ thank you so much for sharing @johnfritz246 looking forward on you next blog ❤️ have s good one

That's a good place not gonna lie❤️ thank you so much for sharing @johnfritz246 looking forward on you next blog ❤️ have s good one

Thank you so much @penflecto! I'm glad you liked it ❤️ Can't wait to share more in my next blog. Have a great day!

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Wow, it was truly a wonderful place someday I can visit that place too. thankyou for sharing @johnfritz246 ☺️

You're welcome @genyrose! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope you get to visit someday too! 😊

The place is so beautiful and adorable especially the boardwalk area.

I'm glad you think so @inshalicious! The boardwalk area really is beautiful. I hope you get to experience it in person someday! 😊

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Thank you, sir @ybanezkim26. I'm happy that my post is part of Travel Digest #2222. I'm done joining Discord. Thank you, sir.