🛤️ Bamboo Train 🚂 Battambang, Cambodia 🚸

in Worldmappin4 years ago (edited)

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The Battambang Bamboo Train is about the closest thing you will find to a rollercoaster in Cambodia, but it's way better.

🚆 A Functioning Pre-War Relic 💣


the conductor and his bamboo train

     Before the Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia, there were train tracks connecting it to Thailand, although the last several kilometers near the Thai border were completely destroyed.


a truly wild railroad

     What's left of a once-functioning narrow gauge railway is what you seed in this post. The locals have been making shadetree repairs to these rails to keep them just good enough to function for new purpose.


some prefer to walk or cycle, understandable choice

     It's not exactly safe or cheap, so many locals still choose to walk and/or cycle on the intermittent paths alongside the bamboo-train tracks. It is really unnerving seeing these wavy lines coming at you on the horizon.


little girl watching the action go by

     The driver seemed to know how fast he could go without risking derailment, but there were definitely some moments where I doubted his judgement.


some parts cut right through the middle of villages

     The bamboo train is not for everyone, but it's worth riding once because these improvised mini trains won't last forever.

     Phnom Penh is already connected to Sihanoukville by modern rail, and it is said these tracks will someday be replaced, therefore banning all bamboo trains.

     If you plan to ride, there is no need for more than 30 minutes, because around the 20 minute mark you start wishing you had some earplugs.

     Treat yourself and get some earplugs before you ride, and then you won't have to listen to your ears ringing for the rest of the day.


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wow this is interesting! 😊😊

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Thanks for stopping by @iamraincrystal. The bamboo train is a blast.


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That's one wicked train ride!! Feels a bit scarey sitting so near the edge, it certainly beats any roller coaster!!!

@tipu curate

Indeed, you can't beat the Cambodian bamboo train despite the risks.


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