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RE: Multicultural festival SA - experiencing over 50 cultures in one day

in Pinmapple3 years ago

multiculturalism will always have a positive impact on a country, in many forms... and wow, 50 cultures at a festival, I have not seen so yet. I probably do not have as many friends from different countries as you, but a few and I find it is absolutely an enrichment you learn so much new and become more open:) have not noticed anything bad about it.and even Germany is represented haha but the germans look that way just in Bayern haha at the oktoberfest;)) to see the dances live must have been really great!


Yea, very true, it has many positive impacts, it's really good to get so many different restaurants, we can eat so many different foods over here and if you know proper ones, you will always eat well. Every culture brings something and especially most internationals are the ones working in hospitality so it's done amazing things here, we can see a big drop now when people are not able to come here...It was really great to see so many cultures in one and I was also not expecting so many people and such a big event combined in just one day!
They did really well! I haven't been to Germany but I had a feeling those dancers were ones I'd see at oktoberfest haha :) thanks for the comment, glad you enjoyed it!

oh wow thats a long time like and very practical for you haha;) I'm more the theory type but can fully understand what you are saying! I had also considered if i will do something with law then to work internally and to deal with human rights, really an interesting topic. i am shure you would be, its not that hard than many people think;) Absolutely I think so too it has a lot to do with freedom.

that's good to know, maybe I'll give it a go, I always like to learn new things, maybe law is my next big thing :D

oh haha the comment was related to your other comment;) yes, hopefully next year the situation will change again and relax:) on the pictures it really looked like a very big event:)