
Yes, it's interesting to see another opinion about a place. I didn't focus on the classic tourist beauties, I did a reminiscence exercise with photos. I haven't traveled to many different places ( I'm amazed how many places you've been and photographed!) and then I go back to the same places but try to compose another story, with unused photos but, of course, there are some photos that repeat.

I guess it is very hard to create unique photos only as almost wherever we go, somebody else had been there already :)
Oh, thank you but I don't feel I travel enough lately, due to the economical situation... Of course, there are always plans in motion but the dreams about some places become more and more each day :D


However, it is evident from the photos that you have been to many places, driven primarily by your passion for photography. Remarkable!

Thanks so much, neighbor! Hopefully... more travels soon on the horizon :)


With pleasure!