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RE: Historic Mine On The Tasmania Peninsula: A Place of Immorality and Punishment - A Some Mining

in Pinmapple2 years ago

Fascinating place steeped in so much history. I don't fancy ending up in one those penal colonies. I imagine that some prisoners were brought from abroad, right? I can only imagine what that must've been like, and then to be put to work in a coal mine to boot. Dang.


I know, the distance must have been mind fucking. It actually set the scene for the Australian gothic. Such isolation in such a harsh landscape!! Hey you missed my story this week, would soooo love you to read it 🙏 I mean maybe you didn't miss it and thought it was too awful to comment 😢 but I respect your feedback so much!!

Australian gothic? That sounds like a Steampunk genre. :)

Of course I read your story and loved it. Sometimes my social brain is running on low power, so I don't comment, but I think your story-telling skills kick butt. I always look forward to reading your rebellious and rugged brand of fiction.

Thanks love. I know what you mean about the social brain, totally get it. 'Rebellious and rugged' - ahaha. I'll take what I can get.

Think gothic with Australian tint. Creaking windmills in the desert. Lost children. Lone gum trees. We have our ghosts too. And the tyranny of distance and vast fright of the wilderness certainly made for gothic overtones in a lot of Australian films too. It's a fun genre to play with.


I love the idea of Australian gothic. It makes sense that Australia passed through similar eras as Europe, including the Victorian era. I kind of forget that Australia derives from European culture. Sometimes it feels like a separate dimension- the upside down? 😄 Perhaps one day, you'll tell us a good yarn with an Australian gothic slant.

Oh yes, to claim true blue WHITE Aussie bloodlines you have to be descended from a convict or early settler. Most of us are migrant offspring from much later due to various wars and waves of migration.