A day in Colorado from sun to snow

It'a been a long time since I've been to USA. Previous trips were either to the east coast New York and Florida, or the west coast San Francisco and Las Vegas. I've never been to the middle of the country. This particular trip will make up for it as I will be travelling with Snowpea to 8 states covering quite a lot of mileage. I hope I can pin a lot of them on Pinmapple before we shut down.

Today we start off with my first leg of the trip from Colorado to South Dakota. The direct route is only about 100 miles and would take about 1.5 hours to drive. That would be no fun and I decided to do a detour to a few places.


The first detour was Boulder, a town located on the foot of the Rocky Mountains. This Rocky Mountain is part of the famous and beautiful Rocky Mountain range in Canada. More on that in a minute.

This was only quick drive through and I went to its most famous landmark, the Flatirons. The Flatirons are the striking, slanted, reddish-brown sandstone formations that make up a portion of Boulder’s foothills on the west side of town. Source. I could see the Flatirons from very far away as we were driving towards Boulder. And once we arrived at the car park, it looked so majestic in front of me. I think everyone who comes here will have taken many photos of this spectacular view, which to be honest, photographs doesn't do it justice. You really have t see it with your own eyes.

There are a couple of 2 to 3 mile short walks around the Flatiron but I just walked a very short section along the path before turning back for my next stop.

Morning coffee

Next we continue our journey up towards the mountains, passing by a little town called Nederland at 2509m ASL with a population of just over 1400. If you think the name of the town sounds like the Netherlands, then you're spot on.

Back in the late 19th century, there was a mine nearby at an even higher altitude. The ore was bought here to be milled. Later on, the mining company was sold to a Dutch company called Mining Company Nederland. When the town was incorporated in 1874, the people chose to call it Nederland. Source

We stopped here for morning coffee at very unusual cafe located inside a hundred year old train carriage. I posted about it here.

Chapel on the rock

Whilst not being religious in anyway, I do love to visit nice and unusual churches. St. Catherine of Siena Chapel, also known as St. Catherine Chapel on the Rock was definitely one worth visiting. The chapel was built in 1935 after a group campers saw a shooting star. When they went to look for it, they found the rock. The Rock immediately evoked a reminder of Our Lord’s words to Peter “On this rock I will build my Church.” Source. This is quite a small chapel, but important enough for Pope John Paul II to pay a visit and bless it in 1993.

St Catherine is located on one of the main roads up to Rocky Mountain National Park. No matter from which side you stand at the outside, you get spectacular view. It was particularly enchanting as it had been snowing quite recently, adding to the ambience. The other thing about the snow was that in the morning we were at Boulder, which was around 5400ft ASL. Within 3 hours we had driven less than 50 miles, ascended 3000ft, and moved from a sunny to snowy environment. What a big difference a few hours can make!!


Rocky Mountain National Park

By early afternoon I had arrived at my last stop of the day in Colorado, the Rocky Mountain National Park. We drove along a 16 mile loop road admiring the scenery on the way. Before I started my trip, I didn't expect to see any snow in late April, so this was a massive surprise for me. Especially since in UK, we don't get that much snow as we're a very flat country. Our highest point in the country is only 4400ft, just half of the height I'm standing now. Pretty crazy!

The views here was just breathtaking. What a great way to start my trip in America.



You can checkout all my travel post on the Pinmapple here or click on Mr Pinmapple below


Beautiful shots! I wish we had more time out west on our trip this summer, but we are going to be spending most of our time in the Denver area.

Don't miss Red Rocks..

We were trying to get to a concert there, but nobody we care about is playing. Instead we will maybe just go to one of the sunrise events.

Definitely worth the trip. So is Garden of the Gods in CO Springs

It sounds like most of the softball games are going to be in Aurora so we will likely spend the bulk of our time there, but we hope to take some excursions too.

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Wow, wonderful trip so far.
Have fun! Enjoy the breathtaking scenery.

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I love all the shots. It shows the beauty of the place. I am also amazed by the centennial train and the chapel on the rock. It is indeed a worth sharing experience. 🫶

There's so much variety of scenery and landmarks on the way, almost feel like we're in totally different countries even though everything is pretty near

Breathtaking views indeed..
Enjoy your stay in America 😊

Thanks, still got a lot more to come!

Everything is beautiful in your blog Ma'am @livinguktaiwan the view and the infrastructure.

Yes in this region going in a certain direction via a short drive the weather can really be different, haha. Even staying put it can change drastically in a day. Thanks for sharing love the clouds and the snow capped mountains 😊


I did my first real trip to Colorado last summer. But we went south from Denver vs. north. Gorgeous place. Excited to see your other Wild West adventures!

It looks so stunning there - I've never been in that part of the States. I hope you have a great time !
Its so sad to here about Pinmapple closing down.

I’m amazed!! The place is gorgeous both with or without sun. In almost white i have to say that is magical!!

How great to be able to travel like this. 😍 Best regards, friend. I already put my sad face in the Pinmapple closure announcement post.

You gotta see Red Rocks while you're here.. also the hotel from The Shining is in Estes Park.. that's right next to RMNP..

throwback to my last trip there in late Jun..


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This world of ours never fails to amaze! What an interesting story about the town Nederland, I did a double-take, as that's what we call the Netherlands in my mother tongue - in America of all places!
That lovely old stone church certainly is built steadfastly on the rock!
Beautiful views, and indeed a great way to start your holiday. The weather really is strange, changes from one day to the next!
Have fun @livinguktaiwan <3

Will you be making it west toward Spokane after this?

Sadly not, too many places to visit. This time we're doing Yellowstone then heading south to Utah
