A tour of the See Monster

in Worldmappin2 years ago

Recently I've been spending a lot of my spare time volunteering on the See Monster. It's an old oil rig that's been transformed into an outdoor public art installation with many art sculptures, and is open to the public to visit.
The See Monster is 35m tall and it wows all the visitors. When I'm stationed at the reception, I love seeing peoples' faces light up in awe and their cries of Wow when they walk into the venue. This is even more spectacular in the evenings.
Visitors climb the staircase up the 35m tall rig, or they can also take the lift. My favourite part is the walkway that takes you around the rig going one level up. That's gives a fantastic high level view of the surroundings.
Here's the walkway which is suspended on the side of the See Monster and takes visitor from the first to second level. The object at the top is the wind turbine called the WindNest. And the big ring on the bottom right is the 10m wide Cloud Portal.
The Cloud Portal is another art installation, and it mimics clouds producing rain. Every few minutes visitors can experience the unpredictable British rainy weather when it spits out a mist of rain.
This art sculpture is the Solar Tree and is located on the second level called the Garden Lab. The renewable energy it, and the WindNest produces is used to run some of the systems on the platform .
This is another area in the Garden Lab, and one that is most popular with visitors. The tube you see is the slide coming down from the upper level. It's a really thrilling experience to slide from 35m down a level, the kids and young at heart loves it.
And finally we arrive at the top level, the Helideck. There's a lift that take visitors to all the levels, and the entrance is on the right. Many visitors think the Helideck is scary and windy, but in fact its the most peaceful of all levels.
Visitors can sit at the amphitheater and admire the beautiful sea view ahead. Sometimes the organisers hold events up here, such as Tai Chi classes and poetry reading. The slide is behind the amphitheater and visitors love going down the 10m slide.
On the front of the See Monster is a Kinetic sculpture that consists of 6000 pieces of shimmering scales. Sometimes when the wind blows into it, you can hear the light tinkling sound which is very soothing.

Everytime I come on the See Monster, I always take lots of photos as the whole structure is so photogenic. There's always a new angle or the weather creates a different view that I hadn't noticed before. The contrast between day and night is also fascinating.

For anyone that's in the UK, I would highly recommend a visit to the See Monster. One, because I'm told such a kind of project is the world's first. Second, it's one of the largest outdoor art installation in UK. Third it's totally free and you don't need to book in advance (but you do have to check the weather in case it's closed when the weather is bad). And finally, it's only around till 5th November. After that, it will be decommissioned and gone forever.

For those who can't make it, I'm hoping to do a video later on to show you around, and will talk a bit more about my volunteering experience here.

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Love your monsters pictures! 😍

Thanks. The structure is so amazing, not difficult to take good photos

This is amazing. I really love all the photos that you captured from the See Monster. ♥️

Thanks, glad you enjoyed the tour

This is a beautiful thing!! I have to go back to London at some point and it would be a chance to see that

You'll need to make it to UK in the next two weeks and then get over to the west country to see it. Hurry up!

This is amazing, if I had a chance in my life I would like to visit a beautiful place like See Monster.

Thanks for sharing friend

It's a pity this is a temporary installation, once it's gone, that's it!

Oh!😔. At least you have shared some couples pictures you snap I can keep it in my gallery. Lol

I so love this amazing architecture about the See Monster. Perhaps everyone would wow this except for people who have fear of heights. How I wish I could visit here someday. The Solar Tree added significance because of its renewable source of energy.

As always, I am enjoying your post. Have a nice time my dear friend and take care. Thank you so much as well for the HBD. Know that it was very much appreciated. @livinguktaiwan

I was quite scared when I walked up the first time, now I go up and down two or three times every shift, and it's really fun. Thanks for dropping by!

Even me, maybe I would be scared at first. I remember my last travel to a place like that, I was really scared especially when I will look from below, that is why I just focused at the top instead of looking at the bottom, but really that was a great and fun experience. Surely you enjoyed there so much my friend.

Wow, I hadn't heard about that before. I just found the web site. Unfortunately I probably won't get there before it closes. I love to see people making fun installations like this, especially if they are free to visit.

Have fun.

That's a pity! I would make a great day/ weekend out as our boring little town is normally very boring. Many visitors are quite surprised everything is free, including the telescope on the Helideck, so it's really good to see people enjoying themselves for a change

It's cool seeing the progress of the project and how it all came together in the end. It's a really cool installation with all of its features. I like that it powers itself (at least in part) using self generated renewable energy. That's excellent

It's a very unique project that's why I'm very eager to be part of it, and volunteering is a great way to do it. There's quite a lot going on at See Monster, this is just a quick overview

Yeah it definitely looks like there is a lot going one. It's such a unique idea and a smart way to reuse such a contraption.

Thanks for the Hive for the PUD guessing game by the way. I always forget to thank you for that lol

Yay, I am so glad you did another post on the See Monster. It looks so cool and has so many things to do and see while there. I like the lights on it too!

The lights adds so much ambience to it, that's why I don't mind doing evening shifts as I can spend ages just looking at it!

Beautiful monsters make my day each time I look at them. I really love the photos that you captured from See Monster and hope to see more in the future. This is amazing!

I'll probably be doing another posts or hopefully a video about it, keep a look out for it

This fits very well with the use of the word "monster", a large oil production platform I can see from the structure there, and now being transformed into a public art installation, this is really very special for the people there.
Btw, the photos you get are also very cool in my view.

The crane sticking out is the monster neck, there's a waterfall which I haven't talked about here is the monster roar, and the kinetic sculpture is the monster's scales, so yes, it's a very monster structure.

Yup, that's a very monster character structure, interesting to see.

Thats just fantastic! I would love to be there and sit on the heli deck. Why will it be removed in November? Couldnt it stay there as a symbol that everything can turn into something positive?
Thanks for hpudguess :-)

Some sort of permit or red tape bureaucracy apparently. It was never going to be permanent but 6 weeks is really quite short, given all the effort involved

This is a unique and cool place to visit. Not very common to have this kind of art installation. Nice!

The first in the world apparently, so definitely very unique

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The 35m slide sound exciting. It's a must try, if only I'm living near that place. Such an amazing place, I enjoyed seeing your lovely photos.

The slide is located at 35m high but the actual slide down is 10m, still quite thrilling!

That's a really uncommon thing to visit but way too unique not to take advantage of it especially that will be gone after 5th November. I feel you with taking pictures of it every time you get there because I've got the same feeling with some places that I often return to.

I do three shifts a week and often accompany family and friends there as well, so go at least four times a week, plenty of photo opportunities, my folder is so full of images now!

I would love to sit in the Amphitheater and listen to poetry with a view of the sea. It wouldn't be bad to slide through the tube from 35 meters level. I appreciate any angle you find while taking pictures. You are very successful at this. I'm already curious about the video you will shoot. Thank you very much for sharing us with guiding and quality articles.

The slide has proved very popular with children and many older people, and when the queue isn't long, they go for multiple slides, enjoying themselves very much.

Amazing. Your photos too. Did you take pictures using your phone? If yes, I would like to know the brand and model. 😉

Just a normal Samsung phone, I haven't used by DSLR for years, and it's still in TW, hopefully it hasn't gone all mouldy

Still looks amazing, I hope the project was well supported, would be good if they publish the total number of attendees, might it encourage the local council to keep it ad infinitum? It is sad to think that such a fantastic engineering structure would be scrapped off cut up and sold as scrap metal

There were some local critics originally as they thought it was locally funded, and it missed the summer holidays, but some say they're converted after going up the rig, so I guess that's a good sign. But since it's a central government funded project and part of a wider initiative, sadly it can't stay afterwards

that's a shame

Good write up 👍

How beautiful is that See Monster, it is an oil platform that many of us do not know. In my country, being one of the big oil producers, I did not know of a drilling platform as beautiful as this one. Thanks for sharing friends @livinguktaiwan
They should leave it there permanently as it has recreation and is very educational.

Not many people have the opportunity to go up an oil rig and certainly not one like this that has been turned into a public art installation. It's so interesting to see something so industrial turned into so creative

That must have been an extraordinary experience. The place looks stunning. 🤩🤩

It is in deed, many visitors have said the same

Very cool re-purposing. My only question is does it sway in the wind? The cantilevered portion gives me vertigo just looking at it.

You can feel it move a little sometimes because it's right by the sea. But when it gets really wind, they have to close the whole rig down, that's happened a few times already

OK, the Monster makes more sense now. Unfortunately, my kid and I would stay at the bottom of this amazing structure... 😪... we are both afraid of heights. Badly... But I see your point, it seems cool for kids! And the views from there are simply WOW! 😍 Darn those heights 😅

You'll be fine!! You can take the lift up and when you get to the top, it's really peaceful. I volunteer there and often accompany people up because they're a bit scared, once they get to the top, they feel all right ^_^

Really!? Then there is a chance you will see me 😄

Let me know when you come down!!! And choose a nice day because sometimes they close when they weather is bad