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RE: Starting and finishing my day at Mount Rushmore

So I was in your neck of the woods! Glad you enjoyed reading it. I always find it fun reading others writing about my home city and how they see things differently.

I know I only saw a very small part of SD but it was an eye opener. Quite a lot of things were shut when I was there as we're probably a few weeks too early for the summer season. Good and bad, less crowds but we couldn't see a few things, like the 1880 train, also rodeo.

I can imagine the herd of bisons charging can be quite a scene, must be nerve wrecking being in the middle of it all, but an amazing experience.

The NPS here is really great and very good value for what it offers. We went to 7 and only paid $80 for the whole group. Normally we'd pay like £10-£20 per person for entrance to any decent place in UK.

The rest will follow soon.. I hope


Quite a lot of things were shut when I was there as we're probably a few weeks too early for the summer season. Good and bad, less crowds but we couldn't see a few thing

Very true Mount Rushmore is crazy busy in the summer. I haven't been to the inside of the entrance for quite sometime . It's great it can be viewed from so many places. I went in August last year, so hot it was near 38° C. I guess the best time to go would be early May and now before the kiddos get out of school, not always possible though.

Yes the NPS is great in the region. The park rangers and other staff are very knowledgeable and give good advice. That's a good group package price you got. I like how the drive parks charge by the vehicle and not by person which is also awesome 😊