
At that time I didn't know much about hive. I have a communication problem. so i don't know the problem. so i start a new account. And I haven't used an account for 2 years.

Can you advise me, now i have intention in hive and start my new account.

It always looks bad when someone abandons their old account and start a new one, and it's even worse when you have spaminator downvotes on your old account and you ignore it. That makes you look very suspicious and dishonest, not something that goes down well with people.

Whatever the reason, you should be aware that unlike other lower quality shit chains, Hive does not tolerate abuse such as plagiarism, recycling, AI generated content, so please bear that in mind for your new account.

Also, what is your relationship with baibuaza? You both abandoned your old account and started a new one at the same time

I really don't know. And thank you so much for advise me.

I'm sorry, but don't misunderstand me. I really don't know. because I'm not fluent in English. Now I'm getting discouraged for my new account. But I will try my best to do it. Thank you so much.

what is your relationship with baibuaza please?

I know her from hive. But we never met. We live in different provinces, which are far from each other. My wife and I have an autistic son who needs to be closely monitored. We only have free time when our son goes to special children's school. So I rarely contact anyone.

I'm just curious why you and her family share a common memo for fund transfers when you don't know one another. Can you explain this please?


At that time I asked her to help me. I don't know anything about hive and transfer. and she just helped me. And I trusted her because I couldn't do it myself.

Hello @livinguktaiwan, I wanted to share my thoughts on the topic.

In the past, withdrawing funds from exchanges in Thailand was quite complex. You had to go through international exchanges, then the only national exchange available at the time to transfer directly from the exchange's Thai account to a Thai bank account, International transfers to Thailand and vice versa are highly regulated. This process was complicated and involved dealing with several crypto-currencies.

So to help some Thais with this process, I managed their withdrawals and sent them Thai bahts directly. However, this action inadvertently led to their accounts being flagged by Spaminator in its multiple account list due to the transfer memo. Although I have never met nor know them, I have been trusted as a Witness of the blockchain, as well as the Thai propensity to trust others.

This situation brings to mind my first visit to Thailand, where my bank card was swallowed by an ATM, disrupting my week-long vacation. Fortunately, someone I had known for only three days, who was acting as my guide, generously lent me 800 euros to salvage the rest of my trip, as my bank was unresponsive, motivated only by the desire for me to keep a beautiful and memorable experience of my vacation in the land of smiles. Of course, I promptly returned the 800 euros upon returning to France.

In case you have any questions or need more info feel free to DM me on Discord (mintrawa#4996) or ping me on your Pinmapple Discord server (I joined it a long time ago).