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RE: The Loos of Blueberry Cafe

I honestly do not understand South Africa, with all the crime rate and danger etc we hear about all the time, yet there are so many beautiful places and scenery around which you always show. It's like hearing two different people talk about two different places countries. Mind boggling!


Hi @livinguktaiwan, you've hit the nail on the head! This is the enigma of South Africa, we have the most beautiful diverse country, and people who despite our differences still find common ground. I don't think one finds the camaraderie ordinary South Africans have, anywhere else on the world. When we go to places like this, you wonder why you're contemplating emigration.
Back in the city one is brought back to reality. The degradation, poverty and crime, often violent & right on your doorstep, even on your own property, brings you back to reality and you know why so many are leaving.
Greedy and power-hungry politicians are destroying our country, many sowing hatred and trying to cause division.
Our roots are deeply planted here, our son wants us with them eventually, but we think a permanent move will not be good at our age. They're already missing some things, but love the freedom of not having to live in 'prisons' with barbed wire, electric fencing, etc. Having good public transport, etc, unheard of here.
Someone said that once you have Africa in your heart, it's there forever!
I often think of the title of a book by Athol Fugard - Cry the Beloved Country, and feel like crying indeed.
South Africa could be paradise on earth if we had good leaders.
Nelson Mandela's dream has been desecrated by people from his own party,
Sad sad sad indeed. Our beautiful South Africa!

A second reply - I added an edit to my post as I discovered something fascinating in a video on the farm Netherwood. It is actually owned by a world-renowned heart surgeon who performed hubby's triple bypass surgery in 2002, and did a successful heart transplant for a dear friend's son! Small world we live in.