Escape from the Covid Cage to Plantations Estate

in Worldmappin4 years ago (edited)


We've finally been let out of the Covid cages here in our country as our Coronavirus Command Council relaxed regulations and we can now visit family and friends without getting stopped by the police!

So off we drove to Hillcrest in the Upper Highway to my brother and his wife's new home that we had not seen yet, in the lovely Plantations Estate, which boasts its own huge conservancy.


Even though this is only about a 30 minute drive inland from subtropical humid Durban, the Upper Highway has a much cooler climate; plantlife that does not enjoy the intense heat of our coastal city, flourishes here.

The Upper Highway is home to many beautiful places popular with tourists, like the Valley of a Thousand Hills; from nature and wildlife to history and culture and loads of fun activities for the younger generation, this is one of our favourite places to escape for a day.

Plantations Estate boasts beautiful gardens and many pathways, ideal for those who enjoy walking.

The small garden area in front of their new home with gorgeous Arum Lilies loving the shade.
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They have a really beautiful manicured garden, just big enough to maintain easily.




What stood out were citrus trees everywhere, and residents are encouraged to pick the fruit; we saw many kinds of Grapefruit, Oranges & Lemons along our walk.

The Grapefruit was the best I've tasted for a very long while; sweet with only a slight bitter aftertaste; nature's own Vitamin C!

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A variegated Citrus tree that's been trained into a lollipop shape with tiny fruit that looked like miniature Naartjies; according to Granny Google this is a Variegated Calamondin.

The architecture really is impressive and most homes are quite large, but there were some apartment blocks as well, as seen in my very first image.



Safety and security is uppermost, there's even a safety net in this large water feature. In fact one hears water trickling from many smaller water features which is very calming indeed!


A beautiful cross greeted us at their entrance with some of my sister in law's quirky artwork inside.




My Dad's ancient Saxaphone is a sentimental touch above the Marilyn Monroe painting.

Mandy's mask at half-mast during our walk as no one was around, everyone was having a siesta - masks are still mandatory in our country.

A graceful concrete statue in front of one of the homes.

Wire art.

A concrete tortoise frozen forever.

A little colony of Weavers with a number of nests high up in some thorn trees.


Lucy keeping a watchful eye on us.

This little pooch trying to frighten us off along our walk is sure to bring a smile:)

Our Covid curve has now started flattening, so interprovincial travel has been opened up. We really hope it stays that way so we can all start traveling and our BnB can start (responsibly) hosting inland visitors again.

I do hope things are slowly getting back to normal in your part of the world as well.

A desert Rose.

Bright succulent.

This has been my contribution towards @elizacheng and @tattoodjay's Wednesday Walk/ Make Me Smile collaboration.

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Original Content by @lizelle
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Thank you dear Mr @pinmapple!

You brother has a lovely place! It's always interesting to see what places people live in other parts of the world. Thanks for sharing Liz.

It is really a lovely tranquil estate and so safe too, sadly crime is quite a problem here in South Africa especially now with so many people unemployed!
Thank you for the visit @livinguktaiwan, always nice seeing you :)

Nice to see things opening up a bit. Dying for them to do so here. Miss being on road so much. Looks like you had a really lovely, and much needed, day.

We still have to be careful about not going into crowded places, but it was lovely indeed, really felt like being let out of jail;)
Let's hope this all ends soon!
Thank you for visiting @riverflows, it's sort of comforting to know that we're all in the same boat!
Take care!

I think it's going to be a while - but I do hope the hysteria calms down and we all look after one another. I notice the distance between us all a bit with this mask malarkey

This seems to be a peaceful place. Thank you for the visit

It is a tranquil place indeed, thank you for stopping by!

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I am one of the people who thinks that there is nothing more beautiful than nature ... the photographs you took are very good, I liked being able to appreciate its beauty.

Ah thank you so much, glad you enjoyed it, it was a lovely place!

This is a beautiful WALK... Love the greens and the flowers...

Hey @lizelle, here is a little bit of BEER from @elizacheng for you. Enjoy it!

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A fantastic place, the estate looks a pretty historic one to me :D .. A great start and a soothing place to be after getting stuck in for months.

Yes, the restrictions here in our country have also been relaxed a bit. The market is also back to normal now :D

I loved taking a walk through it :)

We still have to be very careful as the virus has still not stabilized, but at least we can go out with restrictions of course.
Thanks for popping in!