Finding the mysterious fascinating gem in my Municipality

in Worldmappin3 months ago

Hello fellow hivers, It's J of Travelj once again. The third installment of my travelogue, Be with me on this journey as I will sense the presence of nature. If you noticed, I love going on an adventure and we decided to find this gem last year. For the reason that It makes me feel alive as it captivates the veins of my soul.
Green Leaves Watercolour Eucalyptus Landscape Wedding Banner.png
Banghitawan Falls

Looking back on my teenage days, I'm always this carefree type of person reason my parents are both strict. I'm with this group of friends who like to explore as well. I have shared our group in my introduction blog. Back in high school days, I saw this photo shared on the internet which captivates my adventure self right away. This girl shared a photo of the Mountain in a close-up view as well as the river. I got curious right away and questioned. Where is that hidden paradise located? Since she is from the same municipality as me. I shared the photos with my friend namely Lara who's into traveling as well. She commented that after graduation we should go there. We had undergone research and discovered the hidden paradise is located in Busugon, San Remigio, Cebu. And I was like where is that place located? The boys in our group said that it's far away and it's hard to go there while commuting. However, sad to say that we can't pursue that plan because the pandemic happened and we didn't have our graduation either, everything was in a state of calamity at that time. Until I forgot how exciting the feeling of traveling was because of the affiliated danger. Health over anything dear hivers.
Photo sent by my classmate

Fast forward, To college days somehow people are now allowed to travel. My classmates had sent photos of falls in our group chat. Typical me I started asking questions again. And I sent it to my aunt glad that she is interested as well. Since she saw photos of it on the internet that makes her more interested. For the following day, she said that we should try visiting the area and I should ask about the necessary details. We decided to go on Friday. I have asked my classmate for the details, the stopover as well as the sign. Stated that a little ahead of school there's a bridge and a store where you can ask the ways to go inside and where to park. It is confusing because I haven't been to Bosugon the last time I checked and I'm familiar with the area I had only been going to that side in our municipality is in the place called Dapdap.

Hence, that won't stop our journey and we are certain that we can get there. So, my aunt and I have the traits that we have to bring one or more clothes for photo shoots and get ready for our things. When I heard the sound of the vehicle I knew right away that this was it we were going. We decided to stop by and grab a burger to eat since we knew it was a long journey to take. Furthermore, when we arrived at the first prospect place we saw a school and a bridge as well as a store, and since there was also a way going to another route to make sure I asked the lady I saw in the place. And our conversation goes like this, Is this the way going to the falls ma'am? I stated. What falls? she confusingly asked, The viral falls, but this area is Bosugon, right? No, this is Tacup and the next barangay is Bosugon and the way there, is going to take you to the "little Tagaytay" she explained and by that, we realized that we had almost lost. The horror we felt and the embarrassing moment. We bid goodbye and thank her for the information. After a minute's drive, we stopped in the vulcanizing shop because besides the shop was a huge concrete wall to make the water flow to the sea I suspected that this was already the place and I was right. I have asked again and he said that there is a way over there you can use that and ask which way to proceed. But I did share with you that I'm not good with direction right? I thought it was the way that the guy pertained since I saw people coming to us in that way. But when we were about to go, It was a deep cliff but if you were only walking you could go through it but if you are using a vehicle it is very dangerous.

Luckily my aunt remembered that she saw an unconstructed way. So, we went back and saw a lot of motorcycles parked and before we proceeded we asked some locals to make sure. Luckily he agreed that we were correct this time. he gave us the way by saying to turn left three times a row, we gave thanks and started our hike journey.
He is right because there's this letter Y type of trail and if we did not ask then I don't know anymore maybe we have given up already. The hike took us 20-30 minutes and there was no house it was like a typical forest all you could hear were the sounds of the birds that made you feel so scared but if you look from another perspective the place is peaceful.
Along the way you can now already see the signs of the water flowing. However, it seems very dangerous to the locals living near the area if the water would overflow.
We had crossed 2 rivers and we carefully took our steps because locals or maybe travelers created stairs out of the mud and it was very slippery. As I saw a group of teenagers going back on the highway carrying water gallon as well as cooking pots I can say that they had a good time there and I have concluded that maybe the vehicles outside are theirs. And I don't know that we have to cross another river. That that the water is calm that time.
By seeing this mountain I can tell this is what I saw during my high school days on the internet.
As I hear the sounds of the water falling rapidly. Birds cheerfully sing the waves of laughter of the people there. I can tell that this is the place that is truly fantasizing.
The waters are so clear that makes me question where is this from or the origin of it.
However, I still want to explore the place so take steps forward and hike a little rock formation where the sounds of the water are loud.
We saw another bunch of teenagers and locals who swam as well.
So we set up the tent and ate the burger we bought. How starving a long hike is.
I'm just a girl I exchange my fit into something fancy and take a stroll to the whole place as we take photos and talk about how our fall journey happened. Hence we did not swim because I was still unfamiliar with the water and I didn't know how to swim I was afraid that if the ground was so soft because it water flowed for the longest time that would take me underwater my imagination is scary.
This journey has taught me that life is very uncertain we may already plan our life but there is always an unexpected change of events where is it up to us if we will continue or just decide to stop and go back because it is no longer in our plans.
Hence, I was mesmerized by the beauty of the place since it was my first time seeing falls and rivers. On this journey, I am finding a hidden gem. I feel connected and have the urge to make the place more beautiful by sustaining its natural mysterious feel.
The journey may be exhausting but the rewarding part of this journey is always how my eyes sparkle as I see the flow of the water that I can remember for this lifetime and after this exhausting journey where I can voice out that "it is all worth it.'
Finally, hivers! My finding journey of the hidden gem has already come to an end. What did you feel while reading this blog? Did you feel inspired? or maybe amazed? if you are then don't forget to drop your thoughts as I will happily read those. Once again, leave nothing but footprints. Thank you!

Adios, Hivers!


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@hivebuzz thank you so much for the reward.

You've got this @mariejeijeim! Keep putting in the effort and you'll reach your target in no time.

Look like you had an amazing adventure though it was exhausting.
Be safe always and have fun ♥️♥️♥️

Yes po, I did. I can't deny that the whole journey is exhausting but it was all worth the sacrifice.

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Thank you for that, I already got my code.

The adventure is so worth it. It may be a long trail but ending up with a breathtaking scenery surely made your day. Amazing!

We may experience turn of event but it doesn't matter cause we know its all worth it.

How amazing it is to be in a place far from noise, where all you hear is the chirping of birds and the sound of running water. What a wonderful and refreshing getaway, being so close to nature is the best therapy ever, @mariejeijeim! 💚🍃

This adventure is truly therapeutic without a doubt 💚

That place is worth all the hike and tiredness. What a wonderful gem you found. 💜

You should try visiting it @reshychannn 💜

I will, someday if I have time hahahhaha

The place looks refreshing. A nice venue to unwind. Connecting to nature gives us peace of mind. I hope you had a great time with your experience @mariejeijeim. 🫶

I did sir, A breath in our never-ending life obstacle.

Your photos are very relaxing to watch.