From Kirschenalle (White Cherry Blossoms Alley) to the Eßlinger Furt of Lobau, 22nd District -Vienna

in Worldmappin2 years ago


Kirschenallee - 22nd District, Vienna

It´s cherry blossom time in our district and this is located not far away from home. A street named Kirschen (Cherry)Allee(Alley) is about 1 kilometer long. It begins from the Esslinger Strasse down to one of the entrances of the Donau-Auen National Park called Eßlinger Furt.

I wanted to see the white cherry blossoms as a sign of the start of Springtime. The only trees planted in this alley are white cherry varieties. They are there for the ornamental purposes and they do not bear fruits like the cherries that we eat.

They do not have a faint scent like that of the lilacs, but some mild scent is there.

The blossoms are so lovely to see with the blue sky as backdrop because of the color contrast.

The white cherry blossoms

When we got there, most of the trees were not yet completely blooming, so I guess, today Sunday had been a lovely sight to see all of them. The blossoms do not last long, when the buds have fully opened they could last for about a week or maybe 10 days.





The Wooded Area...

This area is actually a park intended for sports for kids and it also has a wooded area where locals could take a walk particularly in Summer, the trees add cooler surroundings because of their shades.


The direction of the Alley is going towards the Main Road called Eßlinger Hauptstraße.

This alley´s direction goes all the way to the National Park.

The Eßlingerfurt...

Once the end of the Kirschenallee is reached, the entrance to the Park is right behind the Parking lot fronting a restaurant. This is one of the entrances to Lobau at the National Park. In Vienna, all entrances are located in the 22nd District. We come here sometimes to see the birds. It is also not far away from our flat. The city admins of the Park simply let nature take its toll on all the flora and fauna. When a tree is sick, in my opinion, there are no efforts done to save it since there are many dying off as we see them lying around.



Only when the tree poses danger to the visitors, that's the time that it is cut and leave the barks on the ground. Sometimes they use the barks to hamper the flow of the water after a strong rain.

This is a narrow bridge used by bikers and locals alike. On weekends, a lot of bikers come here to make their trails. The National Park is so huge that it even reaches to the border of Slovakia. All biking trails have proper signboards and directions.

Unfortunately, the mistletoes are parasites, they are all over the trees at the National Park. They live by sipping the water in trees until the trees become so dry and die off just like the tree in the image below.


If you ever visit Vienna, do not forget to include the biking trails of Lobau if you are a sport enthusiast, you´ll surely love it here.


That is all for today, I hope you like my nature images.... have a great week coming ahead!

[//]:# (!pinmapple 48.208088 lat 16.518739 long Kirschenallee, 1220 Vienna, Austria d3scr)

GIF by @Gremayo.gif
GIF by @gremayo

All images are owned by @mers

The way you snapped the trees and flowers are perfectly done plus the view of the surrounding give your post so nice to read and interesting.


You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

Thank you for the beer.

Thank you @olivia08 ....that´s a nice comment, appreciate it!

Reading your post , you say that they are ornamental , well and yes , they adorn the place , I also read that it is for children , the fact that trees provide shade is something that gives more meaning to children 's games , it refreshes them , then you say that the trees are left to die , possibly they have already had their cycle and will plant some others .
I congratulate you for an excellent post, very nice, and invite athletes like me to visit the place.

I had a hard time posting my reply to your comment.. I have replied to you but it didn't get posted.. Same as with others who commented. When I opened this comment section, my reply to you got posted 10 x or, when I deleted the other copies, my original reply to you was also deleted. Bugs were there because my replies to others came out a couple of hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks for a very meaningful remarks of yours.. All you said is true, the ornamental cherry blossoms made the street lovely and alive. Yeah, one day you might like to visit Vienna, there is a biking area parallel to the big Danube River which takes you even to Lower Austria. Biking at the Donaue Auen National Park could take you to a 30km biking trail to Slovakia and for a sport enthusiast like you, that is easy peasy ride.

A good spot to relax while strolling, just so perfect and breathtakingly beautiful♥️

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Many thanks @pinmapple for adding the location in Pinmapple.

The white cherry blossoms tree are nice to see in rows. A perfect tree choice planted by the roadside, plus your photography with the place is awesome, the woods and the trail.

Yeah, they have thought about these ornamental trees decades ago and now their work has been rewarded with these beautful blossoms.

i should say you have such a talent in taking pictures. the images are stories themselves!

Thanks @lorelei.cortes. I also happen to love taking pics so I see to it that the images are nice despite my shaky

Amazing white colors... I wonder when I would see cherry blossoms in person?... I have seen pink colored cherry blossoms on TV , I think they were from Japan and Korea... but this white ones, I haven´t seen a picture yet. Thanks for sharing.

Those cherry blossoms looks really good. I also like the sakura and the peach blossoms. My long time wish is to see those blossoms personally.

Who knows you might see them someday. Thanks for visiting.

Hiya, @ybanezkim26 here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Top 3 in Daily Travel Digest #1536.

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Hi there @ybanezkim26, this is a great joy for me to being included in the top 3 in the Daily Travel Digest #1536. Thanks for the great curating work you have done as well as thanks too to the Pinmapple team for the support extended to me. Mabuhay!

I prefer the colored cherry blossoms, but I love the photos, especially those in the woods.

Many thanks and yeah, of course the pink ones are the nicest.

haha nice street name, kirschenallee, i would have thought its just the name but so cool there are cherry trees. i am living in a street in germany called blumenalle (flower avenue) but there are no flowers lol even its a nice street:)

When the city admins set up the housing area, they planted these cherry trees about 30 years ago and named the street Cherry Alley (KirschenAllee) they are reaping the reward of the cherry blossoms.. Do you still live in Germany? thanks for visiting.

How I wish to visit the place where you atay and have those flowers iny hand./

The flowers are similar to that of the apple tree. I guess they belong to the sae family of plants. Thanks!


Thank you.