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RE: Mirmande: A Picturesque Village in the South of France

in Worldmappinlast year

Oh my, France is tempting me to pack our suitcases earlier than planned, leave behind everything and go and relax ahahah. I just have to leave at home my phone or switch it off completely so the students, manager and school director can't locate me lol. We should take the A7 highway from Avignon towards Valence, yes, yes, I think I might have some clearer ideas about our route for this summer, though nothing is decided yet. Maybe we just take a plane for our trip but then it is not interesting.


This is an idea ! We could have meetings like that with a few Hive people, where we desert everything for a week and then come back as if nothing had happened 😂 At the same time, it's a good start of novel, but it might be more complicated to manage on the way back... But let's not worry too much about that... you tell me when you arrive in Avignon ^^ ?

Are you always so busy these days? I hope the weekend was able to be a bit restful 😘

These are some excellent ideas @anttn 🥂

Mini Hive meetups, with adventures for a novel, or a movie, a music album, great artworks and all hahaha better not to go back, a week is too short time hahaha 😂

😅 😂 Let's organize that for the summer hehe !


with a lot of probability, I will not like the fact of going back to work in September hahaha

I already know - and the summer holiday didn't even start 😂

with a lot of probability, I will not like the fact of going back to work in September hahaha

Haha 😂 ! For sure... we wait for the start, not for the end !

Have a good Friday dear @mipiano 😘