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RE: Sunday street art trail JPS

in Pinmapple4 years ago

I was up there last week. Weston can be either really nice for a day out or really rough. I.e some of the weekends in the evening during the holiday season.But it's mostly folks from outside the area causing mischief. However it's a cracking spot for a mooch about when it's slow.My partner and I have looked at properties up there before as some of the period properties up there are stunning and have so much potential. I've never really thought to look for the street art though, but I will now. Awesome post as always. Up voted and happily rehived. :)


You must ping me when you come here next time, it will be great to meet a Hive neighbour!!

That sounds great. A week before I'm next up that way I'll hit you up on discord and we can sort out the details. :)

Sounds good!