Strolling around the colorful incense village - Hue traditional craft village

in Worldmappin2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone.
How is it going? I hope you are with everything okay.
Today is my weekend. Although I am a student, I still just have 1 day to take rest. That is a lovely time for me. But I am unlucky when It is raining, I don't want to go out anymore. I remember I can write something here instead of lying on my bed.
And now I am going to lead you to the beautiful, stranger, and ancient site of Hue city, in Vietnam country.
This place is Huong village or incense village.

Following me right now.






It is so beautiful, right? The incense in here is gorgeous, right?





I had the opportunity to visit the village last Sunday, that day my friend and I had the plan to visit the Tu Duc mausoleum, the mausoleum was in my previous post. We were driving when we accidentally saw this incense village, we were quite surprised because the incense village is located on this road. And was gorgeous by the color of the incense sticks. It's the same incense we see every day, but here the people have turned it into a masterpiece of art. They tie the incense sticks together into bunches and then put the bunches of incense together into colorful flowers. If I didn't know for sure, I wouldn't have guessed that it was the incense sticks formed.





I see a lot of people stopping here to take pictures, they put on different traditional and modern clothes to take pictures of that bright scenery, and I think they are also very beautiful. There are young girls and boys who are taken by their families and put on antique clothes to take pictures, looking so cute.












The incense village is quite long, go through the incense village to reach the tomb of Tu Duc and there is something more special about the local people here. Not only do they not charge for parking, but they enthusiastically teach you how to take photos, how to pose, and how to make a stick of incense. They are very friendly, and they want to spread the traditional beauty of their craft village to tourists from all over the world. I see them as gorgeous as the flowers, gorgeous by their hearts.
I and my friends also had beautiful pictures of this beautiful village of incense.






I am very happy to introduce to you the beautiful places in Hue. And I also love to know the beauties of your hometown. See you in the next post.


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Thank you so much. You are so kind to me.

Wow! Beautiful art work.

Thank you. Wish you have a nice day.

Wow it's so colorful and beautiful @mymy75
I heard about that village and I wanted to go there many times, but I still couldn't do that. Hope that I can make it to go there soon. Thank you very much for your sharing.

This village is so sparkling, and Hue welcomes you.

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Thank you so much.

You're welcome @mymy75! Have a nice day 😊👍

Lovely village! I would buy sooo many incense!! Thanks for sharing this colorful post @mymy75 :)

I am so glad that you like this village. Thank you

This is too lovely. I thought from afar that it was about textile art and now that I discovered that it was incense. I am amazed at the beautiful and intense color they manage to get. Also the people in the pictures make it to a more precious. Very nice pictures, I say that in all sincerity. A big hug

I am so happy when you said that. I so sincerely thank you for your beautiful words for me.😍