Outdoor Adventures: Discovering the Laguna La Redonda, Ciego de Avila, Cuba.

in Worldmappin5 months ago

La Laguna La Redonda in Morón, Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, is a natural treasure that captivates with its serene beauty and rich biodiversity. Surrounded by lush vegetation and picturesque landscapes, this lagoon has become an emblematic destination for nature lovers and travelers looking to experience the authenticity of Cuba.

With its calm and crystal clear waters, Laguna La Redonda is presented as a mirror that reflects the majesty of the environment. Its name derives from its circular shape, and this body of water is strategically located in a region that is home to one of the most abundant trout populations in Cuba. Among other species that you can find in this lagoon are the Manati, jicoteas, crocodiles, eels, Creole guajacas and a wide variety of waterfowl.

The lagoon also plays an important role in the preservation of the local environment, contributing to maintaining the ecological balance. In 2012 it was selected by the Sustainability Project sponsored by the Global Environment for Development Fund as a guide product for the strengthening of nature tourism. In addition, its surroundings offer opportunities for outdoor activities, such as boat rides, walks along the surrounding trails and a restaurant by reservation that offers specialized and very good quality dishes.

The local community has recognized the importance of conserving and protecting Laguna La Redonda, promoting sustainable practices that guarantee the preservation of this natural treasure for future generations. The lagoon is not only a gift for the senses, but also a testimony of the connection between humanity and nature, highlighting the need to take care of and respect our environment.

This place is wonderful to spend time with family and friends, the experience of traveling by boat and seeing the beauty around us is impressive. This is an example area of the rich natural diversity that deserves to be protected and appreciated. Its timeless charm and ecological importance make it a must-see destination for those who seek to immerse themselves in the wonder of nature. Without a doubt, if you visit the province of Ciego de Avila, you can’t miss this great place.

Photos taken from my Iphone X
My Original Image @nicolelorena


Que bueno en mi provincia 😊👏 excelente lugar, me encanta ir saludos

Me encantó esa provincia, seguro vuelvo en un futuro no muy lejano☺️, Gracias por comentar.

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