The Old Square: Historical Treasure of Old Havana, unique in colors and contrasts.

in Worldmappin5 months ago

The Old Square, located in Old Havana, Cuba, is a historical treasure that encapsulates the rich cultural heritage of Cuba. Surrounded by majestic colonial buildings, the square has witnessed centuries of transformations and significant events.

Built at the beginning of the 17th century, the Old Square has experienced various purposes over the years. Initially, it served as a space for military events and exercises, but over time, it became an epicenter for social and cultural activities. Its symmetrical design, with elegant arcades and balconies, reflects the architectural influence of the Spanish colonial era.

The buildings that surround the square have been meticulously restored, preserving their original splendor. Each facade tells a story, from baroque architecture to decorative elements that evoke the splendor of past times. The vibrant colors of the structures contrast with the blue sky, creating a captivating visual palette.

In the Old Square, one finds a lively mix of local and tourist life. Outdoor cafes, restaurants such as La Vitrola and Azucar, shops and perfumeries line up on the periphery, giving visitors the opportunity to enjoy Cuban authenticity. Street musicians fill the air with melodic notes, while locals and tourists gather to talk and enjoy the surroundings.

The focal point of the square is the central fountain, flanked by green areas and benches where people relax. This fountain has been carefully restored, becoming an emblematic symbol of the revitalization of the Old Square. During the night, the dim lighting highlights the architecture and creates a romantic atmosphere that invites you to go for a walk.

The Old Square is not only a tourist destination, but also a tangible testimony of the history of Havana and its evolution over the years. As we explore its cobblestone streets and adorable pigeons, we immerse ourselves in the authenticity of Cuban life, capturing the essence of a past that is still alive in every corner of this charming square. Undoubtedly a place that you can’t miss in your time in the Cuban Capital.

Photos taken from my Iphone X
My Original Image @nicolelorena


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Beautiful photos, a place that I have loved to visit without a doubt

Adoro esa Plaza como las otras tres que hay en la Habana Vieja , cada una tiene su historia y encanto , que fotos tan lindas 👍❤️

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beautiful place, each building has a different architectural style, very beautiful place