Little trip in the magical city of Lucca part one.

in Pinmapple7 months ago

Today I'll take you through the streets of one of my favorite Tuscan cities, Lucca. Lucca is a very fascinating city and its city center is a true treasure, rich in history and art. Lucca is located on the Serchio river and in addition to art and history it is also famous for hosting the largest comics fair in Italy, the Lucca Comics and Games. It is a very human-scale city, it is visited well and with pleasure and it also has a beautiful walk on a large sixteenth-century city wall. Lucca is a city of great charm and to tour it all and visit the most important places it would take about a couple of days, unfortunately we only had half a day and we saw what we could, we started the visit from a very beautiful basilica, the basilica of San Frediano located in one of the central pools and famous for its beautiful front fresco.This church was built by one of the most famous bishops of Lucca, San Frediano, who was also buried in the crypt, and is dedicated to the three holy Levites. The front mosaic dedicated to the ascension of Christ is a true masterpiece, beautiful to look at, it can be visited for free and is easy to reach.

To continue the itinerary for religious purposes we visited another very interesting place, the convent of San Francesco, a place which is now also home to a school, a large and airy convent with a long white portico full of commemorative tombs of nobles and less noble from the 1700s to the early 1900s, with a description on each tomb it was interesting to see how low life expectancy was and how many now curable diseases claimed victims, one tomb in particular struck me, it described the death of a young wife and mother and there was a phrase that today would be considered very sexist and that was "Intelligent even if she was a woman and intelligence is not typical of her sex". We visited the tombs and the convent, a pleasant and interesting walk.

The tower you see in the last photos is the bell tower of the church of San Frediano already mentioned before, very beautiful to photograph from that side, after the statue we continued through the streets of Lucca admiring the colors almost all in brown and the beauty of the shops and shops, Lucca is full of cute little shops. Soon I will post the second post about my trip to this beautiful city that if you come to Tuscany you cannot miss visiting!

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what a cool place indeed magical

Sorry for short comments this week I have a lot going on and wont keep up if I try to to do longer replies this week

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Don't worry ❤️❤️

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