Lavra- Angeiras Fishermen's Beach

in Worldmappinlast month
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog :-)

fishermen's beach.jpg

I'm back!!!
It was a busy week and I didn't even notice how much time was passing. Longer days, shorter nights, fewer hours of sleep and lots of coffee to get me through. The weekend was very busy and on Sunday I took a little time off to breathe and charge my batteries. There's a saying or a phrase that says "Don't go back to where you were once happy", which I don't agree with...





I think what they mean by this is that as we were happy there the first time, if we go back, it might not go well and we might leave to like that place. I always like to go back and remember. We all go through good and less good things in life and this should not affect the places we go. We can perhaps avoid it for a while, until we are able to return there with a lighter heart or soul. One of the most important people in my life told me a few days ago that we are where we are today because we went through what we went through. And I increasingly believe that the things we go through and the decisions we make at those times define us today.







For this reason we returned to Angeiras and Praia dos Pescadores. We have a photo in April 2019 taken on this beach with my mother, her two brothers and the two youngest members of the family watching the sea. Every time I pass by here I remember that day, the celebration that it was and I am very grateful because after 5 years we can recreate it because we are all still here :-) Angeiras, as I already told you, here is a land of fishermen and the little houses by the sea are proof of this. The boats are always moored in the same place and so are the nets they use for sustenance. Every time we come here we come across pilgrims on their way to Santiago.








For the first time we managed to go along the wall almost to the foot of the lighthouse. The sea is very rough around here and when we were almost reaching the tip, the waves started to break with more force and we had to turn back. Instead of taking a longer walk and as the wind calmed down, we took advantage of the sand to play, talk and soak up a bit of sun. Not to mention we managed to do a little bit of everything and enjoy this time with our girl.







On the way back I noticed that the houses seemed to have a more vibrant color. I like summer, sun and heat, long days and it seems that these days everything is more beautiful. Perhaps it is our disposition that rejoices with the arrival of the sun. It's been a very rainy spring here (it's been winter) and I really miss the days when the sun shines on us. I don't know if they feel the same or if they are more fond of winter, spring or autumn...











I hope you enjoyed.
See you around.
Wishing you much peace and health

Those who pass by us do not go alone. They leave a bit of themselves, taking a piece of us."
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.

"The Template cover used in this post is from Canva - Created by Misia"

Text & Photography by @Onyfest

With love @onyfest</center


Hiya, @livinguktaiwan here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Travel Digest #2211.

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Hi there @pinmapple and @livinguktaiwan 😊 Thank for your support!

It's amazing how places can hold such special moments in our hearts, isn't it? Thanks for taking us along on your journey through your vivid storytelling and stunning photography! 😘

Hello @silviared945! It really is indeed. I hope that our daughter keep this memories in her heart😘 Thank you for your kind words!

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