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RE: Nitra's Castle Hill - A Step Back in Time

in Worldmappin8 months ago

The view from that high of a vantage point is really wonderful. The grounds are well maintained, and the initial column looked majestic. It's a shame that you weren't able to see more parts of the ground, but the Cathedral was mind blowing. I haven't been to a lot of cathedrals, but I've seen a good amount of paintings in them. This might be one of the best I've seen. It's like the whole inside of the cathedral is the canvas. The details of the painting are so impressive, and even the marble/wall used served as a sort of frame for some of the paintings.

My mother likes a lot of religious things, and I can't wait to show her the pictures. Thank you for sharing.


You said it so well, it's indeed like a canvas. I was also surprised to see a cathedral like this in Slovakia as we don't have many churches that are so full of paintings and frescos.

Say hello to your mom for me 😊