My first time exploring the factory cave: SANTA SOFIA, BOYACA-COLOMBIA.

in Worldmappin7 months ago

collage foto baby shower bebe tierno azul_20231102_063139_0000.png

Have a nice day everyone at hive.
I hope you are doing well, Blessings.
We visited the factory account

Bonito dia tengan todos en hive.
Espero esten muy bien, Bendiciones.
Visitamos la cuenta de la fabrica




This cave is located in Santa Sofia, Boyaca Colombia a magical and encestral place and also with some adrenaline, my group and I love to explore especially the caves. The guides are excellent and are attentive to each person and making sure that the harnesses are well placed so that we could go down to explore this cave, this expedition if I relax a lot, the walls of the caves have marked some signs of ancient languages.

Esta cueva esta ubicado en santa sofia, boyaca Colombia un lugar mágico y encestral y también con algo de adrenalina, a mi grupo y a mi nos encanta explorar sobre todo las cuevas. Los guías son excelentes y están al pendiente de cada persona y asegurándose que los arneses estén bien colocados para que pudiéramos bajar a explorar esta cueva, esta expedición si me relajo mucho, las paredes de las cuevas tienen marcados algunos signos de las lenguas antiguas.








We love walking and the guides telling the history of each place we visit makes it more exciting.
The cave is formed by nature and inside it has a subway river, inside it is very humid so you have to take the necessary things for the expedition, to get to this beautiful cave we walked through the forests of santa sofia and everything was so pleasant and great.

Nos encanta caminar y que los guías vayan contando la historia de cada lugar que visitamos lo hace más emocionante.
La cueva es formada por la naturaleza y por dentro tiene un río subterráneo, adentro es muy húmeda por eso hay que llevar las cosas necesarias para la expedición, para llegar a esta hermosa cueva caminamos por los bosques de santa sofia y todo fue tan placentero y genial.










My content and photographs are original, the pictures were taken with my Samsung Galaxy A23 cell phone. Thank you for all the support.
>Mi contenido y las fotografìas son originales, las fotografias fueron tomadas con mi celula Samsung Galaxy A23 Gracias por todo el apoyo.

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Wow, top photographs 📸 It looks like they had a lot of fun in the middle of nature. Thanks for sharing ☺️

It was an extreme and fun day among friends, nature is something we are passionate about and exploring these places.
Thank you very much for reading me.

Hi there @paoberroeta12, your posts are doing pretty well since you moved to Colombia but I note that you still upvote yourself most of the time. The self vote of 43% is extremely very high. Perhaps you would like to consider supporting other people on Hive instead of yourself. Imagine if all the whales were very selfish and upvoted themselves all the time, there would be nothing left in the reward pool for everyone else.

Also, you seem to be interested in posting only and rarely comment. In the past month, you have made 31 posts but only 8 comments. Engagement is key to growing your account on Hive and your network of friends are those who will support you in the long run and not whale votes that could disappear at any time.

Hopefully you can be more active in the community and support others instead of yourself.

Hi @viviruktaiwan I apologize for making you think I am somewhat selfish but it is because of my job sometimes I don't have the internet signal to interact with my friends, but I will be more active about it thank you very much for your advice.

Thanks for responding.

If you have enough time and signal to post, I'm sure you can engage with people. Engagement takes much less time than posting. And if you could, it would be really good if you can upvote your friends instead of yourself. I'm sure they would appreciate it.

I thank you for your advice and you are right in everything you say, I will be more active and interact more often with my colleagues.
Thank you very much for everything and sorry for the bad🤗😊✨️