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RE: Benicàssim in April - an out-worldly experience

in Worldmappin2 months ago

Hey, Adé!

You took some great photos and you are right, the Spanish Mediterranean coast is best to visit at this time, or October-November when you can hit the beach as the water is still warm! I heard about Benicàssim, but I never went there as it is a bit too far from my place, but it reminds me of the beach in Oliva, for example...

Next time when you come to Valencia, and if you go toward Alicante, let me know and we can organize a meetup... 😃


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Indeed October-November has the bonus of warmer water... but I think I like the freshness of April slightly better because there is an unspoilt feel to the place. In October, the tourists would have left a bit of damage to the coast line haha. Mother nature repairs all that stuff over winter :)

Sure thing if I return to that end, I will give you a shout. Thanks for reaching out 🙏