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RE: [ESP/ENG] La hermosa Varsovia en Navidad

in Pinmapplelast year

I see, no problem :) I actually thought that you already booked some accommodation in Prague, it usually gets more expensive here before Christmas because many people from the country as well as from other countries come here to enjoy the atmosphere. But of course you now have more important things to take care of so take it easy ;) Cheers!


No, no lo hemos hecho pero por supuesto que le avisaría cuando Lo hagamos y entiendo! Gracias por la información y sí estamos trabajando en mis papeles ahora para estar tranquila. Saludos y un abrazo!

No, we haven't but of course I would let you know when we do and I understand! Thanks for the information and yes we are working on my papers now to be calm. Greets and a hug!