Trip to Chmarošský viadukt / Výlet na Chmarošský viadukt

in Worldmappin3 months ago (edited)

Hi, I wrote this post in English and Slovak language.

My three-year-old son loves trains, and I decided to make him happy. I prepared a surprise for him and my daughter. Not only will we take a train ride, but we'll also see a train passing over the most famous viaduct in Slovakia. We set out on a trip by train to cross the Chmarošský viaduct.


We wake up a little earlier than usual, even though it's summer break. We have to catch the train. There aren't that many trains running on the track we're taking, and if we want to explore the area and complete everything I've planned for us, we need to get going.

We drove to the village of Hnilec, from where we'll continue by train. After a short wait, our train arrives. "Look, Dunihlav," my children shouted. We have a memory game with trains at home, and they know some of them by name. We board the train and enjoy a peaceful journey. This train route is one of the most beautiful in Slovakia. The train passes through several valleys, tunnels, and you can admire the beautiful scenery.


We get off the train in the village of Telgárt. It's a lovely village surrounded by mountains. Above it towers one of the highest peaks of the Low Tatras, Kráľova hoľa.


However, we leave the village and head to a nearby field. From here, we have the best view of the beautiful viaduct, which is right in front of us.


We’re at the spot. Now we just have to wait for the train.

The Chmarošský viaduct is 113.6 meters long and 18 meters high. It was built in the 1930s and beautifully blends into the surrounding nature.


We walk under the bridge, and the view is truly worth it. The nine pillars look majestic from below. We walk under the bridge and into Gregorova Valley.


The Chmarošský viaduct is part of a structure called the Telgárt Loop. Its purpose is to overcome a significant elevation change in a short distance. It includes three tunnels and two viaducts.



The second viaduct is the Telgártsky viaduct, which we also went to see. It is 83 meters long and 22 meters high. If you ever visit Telgárt, don't miss it because it's located right behind the train station.


What would a trip with children be without a visit to a playground? We went to eat at a nearby sheep farm, and we found this themed playground on the way. The kids had a blast and jumped around.


While the kids were playing on the playground, I walked a few meters away to take a closer look at this bus. The yellow bus is an interesting addition to this place.



Another attraction is this Harry Potter car. It's clear that they're trying to attract tourists, and it seems to be working. We've been here all day and have seen cars stop by to look at the viaduct.


Many of them also stop at this café, which is built from an old railcar. I think it's a very good idea.


It's clear that Telgárt is all about trains, which are everywhere. But we must not forget the mountain that towers over this picturesque village. Kráľova hoľa watches over this land. And on this stone, apparently, King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary once ate during one of his hunts. Who knows if it’s true, but it's an interesting idea.

Our trip is nearing its end. But we still have one more stop. We're going to see the source of the river Hron. This little stream doesn't look like a river. But over time, more and more water flows into it, and the Hron grows larger.


As they say, saving the best for last. My daughter wanted to bathe her doll in the Hron. The water near the spring is as calm as a lake and almost still. Almost. Her doll floated away, and when she tried to catch it, she ended up with her feet in the water. I couldn't catch it either, and the doll floated away somewhere among the burdock leaves.

When my son saw this, he started crying. He stood on the edge of the bank, and there was mud below him. He slipped and fell into the mud.

I didn’t know what to do first. Should I pull my daughter out of the river, or my son out of the mud? Or rescue the doll?

Fortunately, everything turned out fine. I pulled my daughter out of the water, took off her soaked shoes and socks, washed my son's shoes in the river, and they both went to the car barefoot.

And what happened to the doll? It was found. A man who had also come to see the source of the Hron went over the fence and found the doll caught in the burdock leaves nearby.

On the way home, we all laughed about it. It was an unforgettable trip, one we certainly won’t forget.

Thank you.


Môj trojročný syn miluje vlaky a ja som sa rozhodol, že mu urobím radosť. Pripravil som pre neho a moju dcéru prekvapenie. Nie len že sa s vlakom prevezieme, ale aj si pozrieme, ako prechádza cez najznámejší viadukt, ktorý na Slovensku máme. Vybrali sme sa na výlet vlakom, previesť sa po Chmarošskom viadukte.


Ráno vstávame o čosi skôr, ako zvyčajne, napriek tomu, že sú prázdniny. Musíme totiž stihnúť vlak. Po železničnej trati, po ktorej pôjdeme nepremáva zas až tak veľa vlakov a ak si chceme pozrieť aj okolie a stihnúť všetko, čo som pre nás naplánoval, tak musíme vyraziť.

Autom sme prišli do obce Hnilec, odkiaľ už budeme pokračovať vlakom. Po chvíli čakania prichádza náš vlak. Aha Dunihlav, zakričali moje deti. Doma máme pexeso s vlakmi a niektoré poznajú po mene. Nasadáme na vlak a užívame si pokojnú cestu. Cesta vlakom po tejto trati patrí medzi najkrajšie na Slovensku. Vlak prechádza cez viacero údolí, tunelov a môžete tu obdivovať krásnu prírodu.


Z vlaku vystupujeme v dedine Telgárt. Je to pekná dedina obklopená horami. Nad ňou sa týči jeden z najvyšších vrchov Nízkych Tatier, Kráľova hoľa.


My však vychádzame von z dediny na neďaleké pole. Odtiaľto máme najlepší výhľad na nádherný viadukt, ktorý je priamo pred nami.


Sme na mieste. Teraz už musíme iba počkať na vlak.

Chmarošský viadukt je dlhý 113,6 metrov a vysoký 18 metrov. Postavili ho v tridsiatych rokoch dvadsiateho storočia. Nádherne zapadol do koloritu okolitej prírody.


Prechádzame popod most a ten pohľad stojí skutočne za to. Deväť pilierov pôsobí zo spodu majestátne. Popod most vchádzame do Gregorovej doliny.


Chmarošský viadukt je súčasťou diela, ktorý sa volá Telgartská sľučka. Jej úlohou je prekonať veľký výškový rozdiel na malom úseku. Jej súčasťou sú tri tunely a dva viadukty.



Druhým viaduktom je Telgártsky viadukt, na ktorý sme sa tiež išli pozrieť. Je dlhý 83 metrov a vysoký 22 metrov. Ak sa náhodou vyberiete na výlet do Telgártu, tak si ho určite nenechajte ujsť, pretože sa nachádza hneď za železničnou stanicou.


Aký by bol výlet pre deti ak by sme nešli na detské ihrisko? Išli sme sa najesť do neďalekého salaša a toto tématické ihrisko sme našli po ceste. Deti sa tu poriadne vybláznili a vyskákali.


Zatiaľ, čo sa deti hrali na ihrisku, odbehol som zopár metrov, aby som sa bližšie pozrel na tento autobus. Žltý autobus je zaujímavým doplnkom tohto miesta.



Ďalším doplnkom je toto auto Harryho Pottera. Je vidno, že sa snažia prilákať sem turistov a zjavne sa im to darí. My sme tu celý deň a vidíme, ako tu autá zastavujú a idú sa popozerať na viadukt.


Veľa z nich sa zastaví aj v tejto kaviarni, ktorá je vybudovaná zo starého vozňa. Myslím si, že je to veľmi dobrý nápad.


Vidno, že Telgárt žije vlakmi, ktoré sú tu na každom kroku. No nesmieme zabudnúť na kopec, ktorý sa týči nad touto malebnou dedinou. Kráľova hoľa stráži túto krajinu. A na tomto kameni vraj jedol uhorský kráľ Matej Korvín pri jednej zo svojich poľovačiek. Ktovie, či to tak naozaj bolo, no predstava je to zaujímavá.

Náš výlet sa chýli ku koncu. No ešte máme jednu zastávku. Ideme sa pozrieť na miesto, kde vyviera rieka Hron. Tento potôčik nepôsobí ako rieka. No časom do neho priteká čoraz viac vody a Hron sa zväčšuje.


Ako sa vraví, na záver to najlepšie. Moja dcéra si v Hrone chcela okúpať bábiku. Voda pri vyvieračke je pokojná ako jazero a takmer stojí. Takmer. Bábika jej ušla a keď sa ju snažila chytiť, nohami skončila vo vode. Chytiť sa ju nepodarilo ani mne a bábika odplávala niekde medzi lopúchy.
Keď to videl môj syn tak začal plakať. Stál na kraji brehu a pod ním bolo blato. Pošmykol sa a skončil v blate.
Nevedel som čo skôr. Či mám dcéru vyberať z rieky, alebo syna z blata. Alebo zachrániť bábiku?

Našťastie všetko dobré dopadlo. Vybral som dcéru z vody, vyzul jej premočené topánky a ponožky, synove topánky som umyl v rieke a bosí si odišli sadnúť do auta.

A čo sa stalo s bábikou? Aj tá sa našla. Jeden pán, ktorý sa tak isto prišiel pozrieť na miesto, kde Hron vyviera prešiel cez plot a bábiku našiel neďaleko zachytenú o lopúchové listy.

Po ceste domov sme sa na tom všetci smiali. Bol to nezabudnuteľný výlet, na ktorý určite nezabudneme.



The children got some skills to pose! Haha. They are so cute!

Thank you 🙂

Pleasure all mine!

What a delightful adventure! It sounds like a fantastic day filled with beautiful scenery, fun surprises, and family memories. Your kids must have loved every moment, even the little mishaps! Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience!

You're right, it was an amazing trip. Thank you.

I can totally relate to how exciting it is for kids to see trains and visit cool places like that viaduct. It reminds me of my own trips with family where things don’t always go as planned but end up being the most memorable part.

Exactly, in the end, these are the best, most memorable trips.

How nice to please your son with something he really likes. I imagine they enjoyed the train trip to the fullest.

Now he wants to ride the train every day :). Thank you

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