Fortress Munot

Munot was one of those places that I would visit regularly after work because it is towering above the city and to get there you need to walk up bazillion stairs, so you get free exercise and on top of that there are stunning views of the city that I never get tired of. There is also a large sport areal where I used to run many years ago, so I spent there many evenings.

I have realized that I haven't been there since we moved to another city almost 7 years ago! Lately, all I do during the week is working and gardening, and I miss going out just for a walk, so yesterday I jumped in the car and drove in the direction of Munot to spend some time on my own and walk a bit.


Munot is located on top of a hill called Emmersberg in the city of Schaffhausen. You can walk up there, but you can also park your car nearby which makes things all easier 🙂

Usually, this place is packed with tourists as it's one of the canton's landmarks, but it's been chilly and rainy, so I was lucky to have the place (almost) all to myself.


Look at the views from the staircase! It's the perfect running spot and there are people running up and down the stairs at any time of a day.




Munot is a massive fortification built in the 16th century. The builders were people from the lowest social class who worked endless hours only for a little bit of food. It took them 25 years to finish this fortress.

The fortress was built to protect the city after Schaffhausen joined the Swiss Confederation. However, it was built using outdated military techniques, and therefore there were valid concerns that it would not withstand potential attacks. It did and it is crowning untouched above the city until today.


It's built as a circular building with three towers and small openings for cannons. It's an impressive construction with thick walls and large casemates that look like dungeons.



The Munot guardian lives in this tower. It is a person that takes care of the fortress today, but before they were responsible to announce arriving ships on the river Rhine and keep watch. It surprised me to hear that current guardian is female, but of course it was a positive surprise.

There is a possibility to book a tour with the guardian or to organize an event at Munot. It must be a special wedding location in my opinion.


Let's go inside to check it out...



But before we enter, look at those cute does. They are used to people, so usually they gladly pose for photos, but they seemed to be resting yesterday.


Can you spot one in this photo?


There is a spacious room that leads are directly to the casemates which is the main space of Munot. There are six firing chambers, a well, a latrine and also a staircase that will lead us up to the platform.

There are two ways to enter the casemates. One from the front of Munot and the other from the opposite side, closer to the staircase.

When you enter the casemates for the first time you will be surprised by the space. It's so large and the walls are incredibly thick. It is chilly and humid there and the only light is coming through the holes in the ceiling. It seems to be light in the photos, but in reality it is rather dark until your eyes get used to it.



There is also a small model of Munot which you can easily miss as it's hidden in the dark...


This is the second entrance to the casemates and also the entrance to the staircase. Let's go up..


I love this staircase, but watch out when it's raining as the floor is made out of small stones that can get slippery when wet.


There are a few openings in thick walls with stunning views of Schaffhausen.

The area is popular because of its delicious wine and you can even get a Munot wine from grapes which grow on Emmersberg.





And we are here!


Let's enjoy the views...


On this photo there is a building where we used to live. It's one of those buildings on the left from the church (the one in the middle) 🙂


And this is where the guardian lives with her husband...


There is a large platform on top of the fortress which is also used for summer festivals and as an open air cinema. This year, there will be an open air cinema here each weekend of August. We are however yet to book our tickets.


This is the other side of the fortress...



I have also spotted this hopeless guardian who was drinking too much the night before and lost some of his belongings including his keys, a trumpet, a lantern, a hat and also his coat. You can help him to find some them!


I quickly found his hat, but didn't look for more. I hope someone else helped him better than me 🙂


On the way back, I also spent some time in the garden as well as among the grapes. They seem to be almost ripe.



The garden is located right next to Munot. There are many roses and it smelled so good.


I brought my book and read for almost an hour like I used to do before. I couldn't stay longer as it was getting way too cold, but I was happy that I came as I had a great time.



See you next time...


Krásná stavba. Dělat tam toho "guardiana" musí být super povolání :) Asi něco jako strážce majáku.

Btw já už si u těch tvých postů tak zvykl na to, že tam nikdy nemáš žádné lidi, že už mi to ani nepřijde a beru to jako samozřejmost. Přitom sám vím, kolik úsilí a hlavně trpělivosti za tím je... Fakt klobouk dolů ;)

Len musíš chodiť hore dole keď niečo potrebuješ 🙂 Ale inak je to super.

Ďakujem 🙂 No niekedy musím mať fakt veľa trpezlivosti. Hlavne, keď ľudia vidia, že robíš fotky a predsa sa postavia meter pred teba. Takí experti mi dvíhajú tlak 😂

Ano, taky takové poznáme, moc dobře :D ;)

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Very nice structure, and great stunning views.
Thank you for sharing.

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