Visit Portugal - Quintinha Pedagógica de Canelas

in Worldmappin6 months ago

Visit Portugal - Quintinha.png

This weekend, my family and I embarked on a delightful adventure to Quintinha Pedagógica de Canelas, a charming educational farm nestled in the picturesque countryside. Our small family, comprising myself, my wife, and our energetic one-and-a-half-year-old son, eagerly anticipated a day of fun, learning, and bonding amidst the idyllic setting of the farm.



As we arrived at Quintinha Pedagógica de Canelas, the rustic charm of the place immediately captured our hearts. Surrounded by lush greenery, the farm exuded a peaceful and inviting atmosphere. We were welcomed by the friendly staff, who shared their passion for agriculture and education. The anticipation in the air was palpable as we set off to explore the various facets of this educational haven.


Our first stop was the animal enclosure, where an array of furry and feathery creatures awaited our arrival. My son eyes widened with delight as he witnessed goats frolicking in the grass, chickens clucking around, and rabbits hopping playfully in their pens. The farm educators provided insightful information about each animal, making the experience not only entertaining but also educational.


The highlight for our little one was the opportunity to interact with some of the smaller animals. Under the watchful eyes of the staff, he gingerly petted a fluffy bunny and giggled with glee as a gentle lamb nibbled on his tiny fingers. It was heartwarming to see him connect with nature in such a hands-on and memorable way.



The farm also offered a range of interactive activities designed for children, and we eagerly participated in a hands-on gardening workshop.


We joined an educational session on the importance of environmental conservation. The farm commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly practices resonated deeply with us. It served as a gentle reminder of our responsibility to protect and preserve the environment for future generations, prompting meaningful conversations within our family about adopting more sustainable habits.


Our day at Quintinha Pedagógica de Canelas was a perfect blend of education, nature, and family bonding. The farm commitment to providing a wholesome and immersive experience left an indelible mark on us. As we bid farewell to the farm, we carried with us not only cherished memories but also a renewed sense of connection to the natural world and a commitment to instill the same in our young.


In this post all photos and text are authored by @portugalcoin!

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Portugalcoin 🇵🇹

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The horses there look very dashing, I also really like seeing horses and riding horses

I didn't ride horses. Just show my son the farm animals. 😀

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