Visita Iglesia and a Little Detour

in Worldmappin9 months ago

Hey, there hivers! How have you been? We've been busy lately with our lives.

It's been a month or two since I traveled, breathed, and been in other places.

And finally, after a while, I've been able to get out of our house and take a little adventure for a day with my family.

How it started

It was last week when my family was planning to take a little trip out from the province. Just a little time traveling together. They asked me if I would be going, and of course who would say no when finally you'll be back on track taking adventures and what made it special is you are with your family.

It was October 10, 2023, Sunday 4 in the morning when I woke up and waited the chat with my sister of they were on their way to the city.
By the way, my family was in the province and I am currently staying here in the city. That is why I asked my sister if they were on their way here in the city.

It was 4:50 when she responded that they were on their way and they were already in Carmen. My husband and I also started to get ourselves ready. We packed a pair of clothes and prepared a little food to bring.

Finally! they were here. It was 7:40 when were at our meeting place and I've seen their rented car.

And the adventure begins!

Yes! the adventure begins! We were all complete in the rented car. It's not a typical day on the road. Less traffic, less hassle, and less stress along the way.

We laugh, we talk and we joke along the road. We sleep, we take a break, and Yeey! finally were here at our first stop.

This is where we had our first stop. The church of Bishop Teofilo Camomot @ Carcar Cebu.

They have a spacious parking lot for your cars if you wish to visit the place.

This is the view that you can see before the church.

The church of Bishop Teofilo Camomot.

The prayer room.

I was not able to take a photo inside the prayer room because photography or any videos were not allowed in the place.

The place is quite small yet a solemn one. Noise is not allowed there. When you enter the place make sure that you wear a decent and not revealing skirt or shirt because probably you were not able to get inside the prayer room.

Aside from being a prayer room of the place, it is also a place where you can see some testimonials about their miracles. The miracles happened and they answered prayers. There is also a place where you can see little of the exhumed remains of the bishop and a little museum of his robes and the things used when he was alive. It is a place where when you get inside there's a little space but it says a lot.

Archbishop Teofilo Camomot was born in Cogon, Carcar, Cebu. And died in a vehicular accident while he was on his way to his assigned parish in San Fernando. He was one of the Filipino priests who was raised to be beatified to become a saint. One more great miracle is needed to happen wherein an impossible healing will be healed and a living testimony that will be passed will make Arch. Teofilo Camomot a saint.

Unto our Next stop!

It is Sunday and it is already given that it'll be a hot afternoon with a line of people waiting to get inside.

Yes! You got it right. Our next stop is in Simala Shrine - Lindogon Simala: The Miraculous Castle Church.

This is the view inside the church. I am sorry if I haven't captured a perfect photo since there were a lot of visitors on that day.

While we were still falling in line to get inside, you can also see some testimonials displayed outside. You can read how they have acquired their miracles and they offered the things they used. For example, they passed the board exam, they offered the things they used, also those who were healed or cured of their illness offered the things they were using along with their testimonies.

I am sorry if I can't give a quality photo of the place since it has a lot of visitors on that day.

This is how it looks inside.



If you don't like waiting or falling in long lines and only want to offer prayer by lighting candles. There's a big space of "dagkotanan" or a place where you can light up your candles.

This is what it looks like at the exit part of the shrine.

This is what you can see at the very main entrance of the shrine.

To our Last Stop for this day 😊

Finally! I've dipped myself in saltwater♥️.
For quite a long time I haven't visited nor dipped my body in the sea.

We went to Argao and spent our lunch there. We just spent less time in the sea since my family had to go back home (in Tabogon) we just had to spend less time swimming since we were done with our main agenda in visiting Cebu City, The Visita Iglesia.

That's a wrap for our little trip with my family♥️.


We now went in separate ways since I am currently staying here in Cebu while they were on their way home to our province.

How to Get there

@Bishop Teofilo Camomot Church

  • If you are from the Northern part of Cebu, you are going to ride a bus from your place to the city.
  • Ride a jeep or SUV going to the South Bus Terminal and ride a bus going to Carcar Cebu.
  • Make a stop at Valladolid, Carcar City. Ask for directions to the people living nearby. They are just going to teach you directions.

@Simala Shrine, Lindogon Sibonga

  • If you are from the Northern part of Cebu, you are going to ride a bus from your place to the city.
  • Ride a jeep or SUV going to the South Bus Terminal and ride a bus going to Carcar Cebu.
  • Make a stop at Sibonga.
  • Take a tricycle to Simala Shrine.

That's a wrap for today. I hope you enjoyed my little adventure from place to place.

This is @rhianmaker always telling you to take time to breathe, chill, and relax :) May you fill your day with joy.

Ciao ❤️


Nice place to travel again.

Adventure with family is the best!🥰

Indeed. You will really enjoy each others company.

A voyage with the family worth it. It strengthens the family bond.its refreshing.
Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. - Jane Howard

thanks for dropping by. ♥️

one of my wish na makapunta sa lugar na yan

Makakapunta ka din dyan. soon.

Great post

Thank you so much for appreciating 😊

What a great adventure!! The church at the beginning are beautiful and the landscape around is stunning, but The Miraculous Castle Church is… amazing, I have no words!! I can see all that good energy from your pictures! Thanks a lot for sharing!!

Thank you so much.I hope I have passed the good energy with this post 😊.

Indeed, a quality time with the family is the best! Love seeing the photos @rhianmaker. More blogs soon! 😍

👏 👏 👏 Amazing Amazing and very beautiful pictures and really, one might not enjoy this kind of outing when alone but the fact that family is there, oh wow its gonna be sooooo much fun.

This right here is such a lovely family outing and adventure. Trust you got back to your base safe.


This camera is so sharp by the way 😃

thank you so much. When you are with your family you will really love the places you went to. It builds stronger bonds and happiness.

Yea, thats very right. Its always so awesome bonding with family.

such an interesting travel ma @rhianmaker

thank you so much.

hey @rhainmaker wow so beautiful place, one must visit there, it's seem that you had quality time with family. Thanks for sharing such amazing places of cuba....

Thank you so much.

Nice adventure together with the family.

Thank you sir.

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