Next Level Lunch at Bradford on Avon, Catching Up with A Friend on the Canal

in Worldmappin3 months ago

After my review of Banksy's pub, I felt a bit like a grumpy old woman who's never satisfied. However, this hotel in Bradford on Avon proved a point- good food can be really, really good, and value for money as well. When I talk about value, I mean really, really nice food you don't mind paying for!

We were in Bradford on Avon to catch up with a mate who lives on the canals. Those of you who remember us staying there in the pandemic n a dutch barge will know exactly what I mean!


In fact, here's Jamie on the said barge back in 2020. She's since been sold. My friend now has a wide berth boat which is amazing - I jsut didn't take any pictures as it was raining, and well, we'd been here before and so had you, if you remember.


It was great to see the river back in action though. It was so quiet then as most of the river folk moved off because of the pandemic, and no one could move up and down it. Though it wasn't quite the season, you got the feeling the tourist boats will be speeding along before too long.


We walked off the towpath by the canal and onto the riverside path, which was a bad mistake as it was really super muddy. WE didn't care though - we were up for an adventure. We found a little house that someone had been making out of willow, and a huge pile of buttons that had been washed up from someone throwing a pile of clothes in some decades ago. Jamie collected a heap and looked them up online - a bit of domestic archaelogy for you.


Gemma took us to a lovely hotel called Timbrell's Yard, right by the river Avon. I wouldn't have even thought to eat here, but she highly recommended it, and wanted to shout us.


WE were quite relieved as we'd spent too much money already 'catching up' with people that took us out for lunch! The place does rooms and meals as well, quite a decent price if you happen to stay in Bradford on Avon. Here's the menu - I get hungry just reading about it!


I decided to go the mixed plate - you can get three starters for $16 quid. I got artichokes that were fried in some kind of crumb which were melt in your mouth delicious, some seared broccoli with chilli and onion seeds, and some chargrilled padron peppers with smoked salt - insanely delicious, all three. Gemma got some salami with honey and chilli and said it was delicious too.


She also got the soup of the day with some parsnip crisps and cute little bread rolls.


Jamie got the venison sausage with gravy and a truffle potato mash and crispy onions. HE said it was to die for and WAY better than the roast he'd had at Banksy's pub in Pilton. I dipped my finger in the gravy and was totally wowed.

We also had a coffee, which was great. The service was amazing and the waitress was incredibly friendly. The venue was cosy and quite posh, but we still felt welcome.

I quite liked the various vegetarian things on the menu as well - you couldn't go hungry here or disatisfied. On Sundays they do the same menu, but with roast as well.

I'd certainly come back in a heartbeat - who's shouting?

With Love,


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Beautiful scenery. I want to here. I have feels happy.thank for your sharing.

Such an amazing lifestyle! I really needed a countryside reset recently and I have to admit, life on a barge sounds pretty perfect to me right now!
The food looks amazing here, I love finding little gems off the beaten track and being surprised with tasty treats! Thank you for sharing your adventure 🥰

Oh yes, we enjoyed it during the pandemic - it took our mind off it for sure!

The question is: what did the guy do with all the buttons he took away?

There's a very old cult film in France called La guerre des boutons (1962). I'll let you have a look at it:

Absolutely GORGEOUS. See, this is why I love Hive - you learn so much random stuff! We had fun doing pretend interpretations of this as we had dinner, since we don't speak French. Thanks! I've just read about it and I really would like to read an English translation of the book!

There must be such a thing. It's very well known in France and since 1962 I think it's crossed a few borders ^^

Ooh glad you were happier this time!! Now imagine being a South African at about R24 to the pound... I'm just leaving France where I never ate out - just the odd Happy Hour 3 Euro beer after ski/snowboard was all we could afford with our monopoly money!!

Oh goodness, as awful as it sounds I'm glad I'm not the only one strugglng with the pound to personal currency!!! HOpefully Spain/Morocco will be better!

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