Moonlit Dreams in Baklai: A Journey of Wonder and Taste

in Worldmappin9 months ago

Hello everyone, I was sharing an exhilarating journey through the heart of Bangladesh, a trip that took us to seven of its most magnificent waterfalls, all part of the renowned Ruma Circuit. If you go through my earlier posts, you already knew that my father is suffering from cancer. I couldn't continue my writing for the past few days because I need to attend some medical attention for my father. I hope you all will pray for him. I hope I can again continue my writing from today and you will get all the new adventure and thrill of the journey.

Earlier, I shared about my visit to Ali's Ghua, and today we're embarking on our next adventure to Baklai Para [//]:# (!pinmapple 21.85643 lat 92.51983 long Baklai Para, Bangladesh d3scr), the gateway to one of Bangladesh's tallest waterfalls, Baklai Waterfall.

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Baklai Waterfall

After enjoying a hearty lunch at a local hotel, we secured our transportation for the journey ahead. Our expedition commenced around 2:30 p.m., and we anticipated a travel time of approximately 2-3 hours to reach Thanchi. Once there, we'd transition to a different mode of transportation that would take us closer to the Baklai Army Camp. From that point onward, we planned to continue on foot to reach the Para. In the local context, a "Para" refers to a neighborhood comprised of 5 to 20 families. This promised to be an exciting leg of our journey as we ventured into the heart of Baklai Para, taking us closer to the breathtaking Baklai Waterfall.

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our ride(Jeep) back of us
we had our launch here

As our journey continued, the winding roads snaked their way through the rugged mountains. Our trusty jeep navigated the steep, pitched roads with precision, as the ever-present clouds floated gracefully in every direction. The lush greenery of the mountains surrounded us, and the gentle, refreshing mountain breeze seemed to embrace our very hearts.


Yet, we couldn't ignore the fact that the road we were on carried its own element of risk. A single misstep in driving could lead to a perilous fall of hundreds of feet, with only a slim chance of survival. Despite this inherent danger, we found ourselves lost in the moment. We sang songs, captured the breathtaking scenery with our cameras, and fully immersed ourselves in the beauty of the landscape.


After enduring a challenging trek, this leg of the journey felt like a tranquil respite in paradise.
As we ascended further, the road began to climb, eventually taking us approximately two thousand feet above the ground. At this altitude, we found ourselves in the extraordinary company of clouds. Initially, we mistook their presence for mere mist, but it became apparent that these were actual clouds enveloping us. They embraced our bodies, and we were soon drenched by their gentle moisture.


Words can scarcely capture the emotions that welled up within us at that moment. Sometimes, our trusty truck would navigate steep slopes, descending a staggering 100 feet only to ascend another few hundred. It was like riding a roller coaster, yet it surpassed any amusement park experience. The natural beauty that surrounded us, the sensation of the clouds caressing our skin, and the sheer immersion in this breathtaking landscape made it an unparalleled journey.


After nearly three hours of traveling, we finally arrived in Thanchi, our next destination. Here, our first task was to find a new mode of transportation. As we waited, we took a break, sipping on tea while gazing at the majestic Sangu River. We also took the opportunity to charge our phones and lights at a local store.


After a few hours of patiently waiting, we managed to secure a ride, and it was time to hit the road once more. Gathering our belongings, we climbed into the vehicle. The evening had set in; the sun had dipped below the horizon. As we continued our journey through the mountainous terrain, the moon began to make its appearance, peering down at us. In just about an hour, the full moon would grace us with its presence, promising to illuminate our night amidst the mountains. The anticipation of experiencing a moonlit mountain night had us all thrilled.


Our ride eventually dropped us off roughly an hour later, at the base of a hill. The village we were headed to lay perched atop this very hill, awaiting our ascent.
We switched on our flashlights, their beams cutting through the darkness as we embarked on a hike through the dense woods. After a challenging hour of trekking, we at last arrived at the village. Now, beneath the brilliant moonlight, we were treated to a truly picturesque scene of the village. The strenuous journey had unquestionably been worth it, given the breathtaking vista before us.


Our driver happened to hail from this very village, and he had kindly arranged our accommodation. Once inside our lodgings, we stowed our belongings in a corner of the room. Eager to refresh ourselves, we stepped outside and indulged in a well-deserved bath. The cool water revitalized our weary bodies, rejuvenating our spirits for the adventures that lay ahead.
Now it was time to prepare our dinner. We had rice, pulses, eggs, and various other ingredients on hand. Everyone was assigned their respective duties, and it was all hands on deck. Some were busy washing the ingredients, a few were expertly cutting them, while others gathered wood for cooking and built a fire. The teamwork flowed seamlessly, and soon our food was sizzling away.


With the preparations underway, everyone took a well-deserved break, relaxing on the bamboo floor of the room. The cook remained stationed by the oven, tending to our meal. We passed the time playing cards, tending to any minor injuries from our journey, and sorting out our accounts.


An hour passed, and our food was finally ready. We were all ravenous after our long day of travel. The steaming, smoky dishes were served, and we eagerly dug in. The flavours were exquisite, and we all became voracious eaters, savouring each bite. The food didn't just fill our stomachs; it provided a deep sense of satisfaction that comes from a delicious and hearty meal.


After our satisfying dinner, we ventured out to bask in the moon's gentle glow. The village revealed itself in crystal clarity under the luminous night sky. Although I've explored mountainous terrain on numerous occasions, this was my first encounter with a full moon in such a setting. I couldn't help but feel that it brought a unique and heightened sense of pleasure, surpassing any previous experiences. The newcomers among us were particularly fortunate to witness this magnificent sight.

We strolled through the village, engaging in lively conversations, listening to the chorus of insects, and relishing in the mountain's peace and tranquillity that enveloped us. It was undeniably difficult to tear ourselves away from this enchanting view, but we knew that an early start was imperative to witness the grandeur of Baklai Waterfall.


This photos were taken at the next morning

Reluctantly, we returned to our lodgings, making makeshift beds on the bamboo floor. They were more like cozy spots to rest our weary bodies, and our bags doubled as pillows. The relaxation was palpable, and it was time to surrender to sleep. Tomorrow held the promise of a new adventure.


I'll save the tale of our encounter with Baklai Waterfall for my next blog post. There were so many ups and down,I will tell you about them too. So, stay tuned, and in the meantime, may you stay safe, and content, and savour every moment of your own journey through life.

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I'm a student from Bangladesh with a strong academic background. I have a passion for social welfare, sports, and debating.
I'm an enthusiastic traveler who has had the privilege of exploring numerous breathtaking destinations within my home country. From the serene hills to the vibrant cities, I've been fortunate to witness the beauty and diversity of my homeland.
My primary reason for joining Hive is to connect with people who share a similar passion for exploration. I'm eager to make new friends who appreciate the joy of travel and to exchange stories and experiences from our adventures. Through Hive, I hope to create a community where we can all connect, learn, and inspire one another through our travel experiences and discoveries.
Looking forward to connecting with you all. Thanks!


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Hiya, @livinguktaiwan here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Travel Digest #2007.

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The way you described the clouds embracing you and the moonlight illuminating your path - it's amazing.

Keep on traveling. @tipu curate 8