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RE: The Circus, Crescent, Hive and Weir at Bath, UK

in Worldmappinlast year

Bath is on my list to visit again. It's actually quite an awkward journey from here but I discovered a coach company that does day trips, which would be perfect. Even better, one of the pick ups is about quarter of a mile away 😍.

I didn't know about the Pulteney Bridge or the weir, so I look forward to seeing those. I want to go to Persephone Books, as well, a quirky independent bookshop that specialises in re-printing 20th century writing, mainly by women. It does a lot of fiction but also interesting cookery books and social history. They used to be in Fitzrovia in London and one of my regular haunts. I think they are in Edgar Buildings now.

Can you swim in the river?


Mmm... Leicester is quite a distance, probably best to spend a few days in the South west to make the travel worthwhile.

I just googled Persephone Books, it looks interesting, and how fitting that it's located behind the Jane Austen Museum!

As to swimming... I'm not sure, probably not nearby the weir as the current looks quite fast and I'd imagine they'd want to keep up appearances and not have people swimming there spoiling the view 😀