A Journey Through Aboca Museum in Tuscany

in Worldmappin3 months ago (edited)


Hello dear friends,

Yesterday I couldn't publish my usual post, but today I want to share with you some photos I took in a place I've been wanting to visit for a while. Fortunately, I happened to be in the area and found it open. I visited the Aboca Museum for the first time, located in the Del Monte Palace in Sansepolcro. For those who are not familiar, Aboca is a company that produces excellent natural products. For example, I use their herbal syrup. Over the years, they've decided to create this museum to showcase the tradition of herbal healing, which dates back a long way.




First of all, I must tell you that the entrance fee for this museum is 10 euros for adults and 5 euros for children. I was very lucky because I knew a guide who let me in for free. Many of you might wonder if it makes sense to visit a museum that focuses on natural healing. However, this historical-scientific journey was created precisely for this reason. It not only emphasizes the importance of natural healing but also provides a historical overview of how humans have used herbs throughout history for medicinal purposes.




Along the museum's path, I learned about and saw for the first time the remedies used in the past, back when chemicals hadn't been invented yet. It's fascinating because during the visit, you can admire precious herbariums, numerous botanical books, mortars, tools, ceramics used to contain these herbs, and even a fully preserved crocodile hanging in one of the museum's rooms. I'm not sure if parts of the crocodile were used in natural healing, but it's intriguing nonetheless. Visiting this museum isn't just about understanding the importance of herbs; it also allows you to appreciate the beauty of the palace itself, which holds significant historical importance in the area.




In addition to the historical-scientific experience, visitors can engage in a sensory and tactile journey. There's also a section explaining the company's goals and the various organic herb cultivations, especially in Tuscany.



So, I definitely recommend this place, especially for families. Here, children can learn about different types of herbs, experience their fragrances, and understand how they were used for healing purposes. The guide told me that schools often bring children here on field trips, which I find incredibly beneficial for them.




In conclusion, I highly recommend a visit to this place if you're in Tuscany. Aboca is an excellent company, and I've been using their products for natural healing for several years. However, after going through their museum, I've gained a deeper understanding of these herbs and how crucial they were in the past. I hope they'll continue to be significant in the future.

I hope you enjoyed what I shared today, something a bit different from usual. I like to share experiences from unique museums in Tuscany. See you in my next post, and have a great day, everyone!


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