Exploring the Hidden Treasures of San Maurizio Church: The Sistine Chapel of Milan

in Worldmappinlast month


Hello dear friends,

I'm really excited to share with you the photos I took this weekend because I got to see something truly beautiful, something truly unique – basically the so-called Sistine Chapel of Milan. Perhaps some of you don't know that this church exists, where there's something beautiful, not at the level of the real Sistine Chapel, but still really beautiful to see in person.

I was able to do this thanks to my friend who works for a team called "Lombardia Segreta" (Secret Lombardy), who are dedicated to revealing lesser-known and not always accessible places through guided tours open to all who want to visit. I had been wanting to plan a visit there for quite some time, and when I had this opportunity, I didn't let it slip away. And I must say, seeing these places in person evokes so many emotions that are difficult to convey here in a few words.



Anyway, this place is the Church of San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore in Milan, and even though, as you can see from the photo I shared, the exterior facade is very austere, what's inside will leave you speechless.





In fact, inside there are wonderful sixteenth-century frescoes, and as soon as you enter, you are drawn to these beautiful masterpieces. The frescoes were created by Bernardino Luini together with his sons, as it was customary to involve one's children in the work of a painter in their own workshop, and these frescoes were made thanks to all the members of his family. Access to this church is not always allowed; only a few guided tours are conducted to preserve this masterpiece. Just like with Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, which is also in Milan, only a few people are allowed in at a time because the water vapor from our breath can cause enormous damage to these frescoes.




Of course, this church has medieval origins, and you should know that these frescoes have been restored several times because the technique used to create them makes these frescoes very fragile, and so they deteriorate quite easily, it's a bit like the situation with Giotto's frescoes in Padua.




I hope you enjoyed the photos I shared with you, and that they somehow took you on this virtual guided tour with me. See you in my next post!


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Wow! Very beautiful and rich in history, arts and architecture Ma'am @silviared945 I am speechless and overwhelmed. I am excited to read and watch the beautiful places in your next blog.

Wow! Very beautiful and rich in history, arts and architecture Ma'am @silviared945 I am speechless and overwhelmed. I am excited to read and watch the beautiful places in your next blog.
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you liked it! 🌟 Get ready, because in the next blog we will explore even more wonders! Stay tuned! 📚✨😘

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Hey @lizanomadsoul! Wow, that's fantastic news!

I was there, I saw this beauty, it was one of my highlights when visiting Milan. I recommend others to visit this church :)

I was there, I saw this beauty, it was one of my highlights when visiting Milan. I recommend others to visit this church :)
It really is a hidden gem, isn't it? Thanks for the recommendation—hopefully, more people will get to experience this beauty! 😊🕌✨

Wow @silviared945 what a lovely post. All the photographs are just amazing...👍 Everything just looks so fantastic... Thanks for sharing.🙏

Wow @silviared945 what a lovely post. All the photographs are just amazing...👍 Everything just looks so fantastic... Thanks for sharing.🙏
Thank you so much! 😊 I'm thrilled you enjoyed the photos. It really is a magical place! 🌟 Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by! 🙏📸✨
