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RE: Mil Ventanas de Güímar: the craziest hike in Tenerife

in Worldmappin2 years ago

Wow, I would have gone there too hahaha, it looks quite intriguing!
I didn't hear about that place when I was traveling in Tenerife years ago, I went to Güímar to see the pyramids hehe, did you visit them?


I get it, I was also very intrigued and that's why I went there in spite of all of this :D
It really is unofficial path and it's hard to find because there are no signs or anything else as the officials really don't want people to go there :D

I didn't go to the pyramids as I've heard they are quite boring :D did you like them?

I'm glad you wrote your review of the place here, maybe other people will find this info and dare to challenge the authorities as well hahaha

Yes, I did like the pyramids, because their history is quite mysterious and that attracted me :)

Maybe I will give it a go then... thanks for the tip! :)