Chaiya Mangkalaram Temple, Malaysia, Penang State

in Pinmapple4 months ago

Hello, today we take you to worship at Wat Chaiyamangkalaram, Penang State, Malaysia. We take time to travel from our home in another state to come to worship at this temple. It takes 2 hours to travel from our home when it arrives at us. There is a lot of excitement because this temple is a very beautiful temple. It is a Thai temple with Thai people living at this temple. Malaysia has many Thai temples in many areas, but this Thai temple is beautiful and sacred. Foreigners come. There is a lot of worship in front of this Thai temple. There are shops selling juice and fruit for tourists to buy, drink, and eat. When we enter the temple, we will see two large Naga statues that have been created. In front of the temple, there is Thao Wessuwan, who is the protector of all humans. It is believed that Thao Wessuwan helps protect everyone from danger. Many people therefore come to pay homage and have faith at this Thai temple in the large Naga. 2 of them are emerald green, very beautiful, and there is also Phaya Kinnon or Kinnaree in front of the temple. When we walked to pay respects inside the temple, there was a large reclining Buddha image that was very large. We and our family went in. Pay your respects to the big Buddha statue. Our family feels very good that this temple is not as wide as we have taken pictures to share with our friends. There is only a small amount of space but the temple can be built beautifully. With so many people coming to believe, it is considered that this area is very sacred. When our family finished paying respects to the Buddha and came to sit and admire the view in the surrounding area of the temple, foreigners came and asked for help asking us to take pictures of them together. We were very pleased, so we went to take pictures to make foreigners feel happy and thank us. We made this visit to the temple both to make merit, to see the beautiful temple, and to see the kindness of tourists who came to Malaysia. Of the Thai people that we help foreigners, even though it is a small matter, we are proud. Foreigners are happy and grateful to us. Buddhism, no matter what country we are in, we Thais and foreigners respect. And faith in front of the Buddha image or temple is the anchor of the mind. When everyone comes to pay respect, everyone will be happy and satisfied. This Thai Chaiya Mangkalaram Temple in Penang is not far from the Thai Embassy or not far from the Thai Consulate. Therefore, foreigners who come to the Thai Consulate in Penang will come to pay their respects and ask for blessings from the sacred objects. This temple takes only 10 minutes to travel from the Thai Rath Consulate in Penang to this temple. And most importantly, opposite this Thai temple is a Burmese temple as well. Opposite the Thai temple is a Burmese temple. They are equally beautiful. It is considered that coming to make merit this time is extremely worth it. You get to pay respects to both Thai temples and Burmese temples, which are equally beautiful. Anyone who comes to Penang, don't forget to stop by and ask for blessings. At Wat Chai Mongkalaramrat Penang, this is a really beautiful temple. And in this city of Penang, besides the beautiful Thai temples, there is also delicious food and many tourist attractions, including the sea, which is beautiful. Whether it's a department store, it's a big one and has a complete range of products. There are many menus to choose from. There are Thai food, Western food, Chinese food. There are many to choose from. You can choose to eat as you like. The prices are also reasonable. Not expensiveIf anyone is traveling from Thailand, it takes only 4 hours to travel from the Job Passport Checkpoint to Penang, Malaysia. From Hat Yai District, Songkhla, into Malaysia, thank you everyone, see you in another post. Next time, we will collect beautiful pictures of tourist attractions or beautiful temples to share with all our friends. Let's go find food to eat first. We are Thai people who live in Malaysia. Most of the time we eat. It's Thai food. I would like to go find Thai food in the state of Penang, Malaysia to eat first. Goodbye everyone. See you again. Thank you.



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