Early morning on the Moika river embankment

in Worldmappinlast month

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The morning was sunny. I woke up very early for some unknown reason. I rolled over to the other side, closed my eyes and suddenly realised that this movement had evaporated the last remnants of sleep. I got up and walked to the window. Dawn was breaking. It wasn't fully dawn yet, but the first rays of sunlight had already added colour and volume to the night landscape.

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I travelled a few stops by bus and got off near the Poshtamt Bridge. Poshtamt Bridge, Lantern Bridge, Blue Bridge - all these photos were taken on the stretch of the river near these three bridges. The Moika River near these three bridges makes a gentle bend.

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The first of the three bridges is the pedestrian Poshtamt Bridge. It is one of my favourite city bridges. It has a suspension structure. This type of bridge was quite common in the 19th century, but almost disappeared in the 20th century, and in the 21st century suspension bridges have become exotic. Motorised traffic requires other structural solutions.

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The Lantern Bridge is decorated with beautiful lanterns and the Blue bridge has a unique width. Each of these bridges could be the subject of a separate post, but this time I mentioned the bridges just to add geographical accuracy to my story. I walked along the embankment, stopping every now and then to look back and capture the cityscape on both sides of the river from different angles. I even briefly crossed the Lantern Bridge to the other side of the river to view the section of the embankment between the Lantern Bridge and the Blue Bridge from a different point.

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The young lime trees along the embankment were planted a few years ago. In old photos you can see the poplars that used to grow on this spot, and the trees completely transformed the landscape. It's a pity that you can't see everything at the same time - how this embankment looked twenty years ago, how it looks now, and how it will look twenty years later when the trees have grown.

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Near the Blue Bridge there is a berth for excursion boats and ships. The motorboat traffic on the river has not yet started, the morning hours are the time to kayak or sup board. But so far it is too cold for such water walks. Opposite the pier a sightseeing bus is resting. The ZIS-8 bus was produced from 1934 to 1936, a trip on such a bus is like a visit to the 1930s. The excursion bus differs from the museum copies. In particular, it has a modern engine. But externally it is not noticeable at all.

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SmartphoneGoogle Pixel 3a
LocationSaint Petersburg, Russia

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Beautiful! That feeling of walking in the empty streets very early in the morning... love it!

I love going for walks early in the morning! When I manage to wake up:) Thank you so much!

You truly walked too early as there isn't sign of other folks yet hehe.. the views are scenic.. such a peaceful place to have a morning stroll


That's right, there were very few people, I love walking at this time! Sometimes you can find tourists who wake up early due to the time zone difference, but the normal city life starts after 7am. Thank you very much!

It feels good to have a walk during that hour. The air is chilly and the place isn't crowded yet. You can own the whole street haha.

Cool... I like this old city 😋🌺👌👌👌🦊 and this warm sun makes all more cool.

It really was a lovely walk. Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! ☀️

Npr 😋👌... try get it more .

Wonderful shots made by you. 🫶 Somewhat like there is a story in each photo.

Thank you so much, I'm really glad you enjoyed this walk!

Wow, beautiful photographs and the place is super beautiful too. Very interesting post, thanks for sharing 😃

I'm really glad you enjoyed the photos, thank you so much!

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Wow what a lovely post. All the photographs are just amazing...👍 Everything just looks so fantastic... Thanks for sharing.🙏

This walk really turned out excellent, thank you so much!