Birthplace of The mountain sheep(Me) ...!!

in Worldmappin2 years ago (edited)


Hey People
How are you? I hope you all are doing great.
I am The mountain sheep and today i am back with a new blog in which i will introduce The place from where I belong (Nohradhar).


This is like fairyland and also my birth place. I like high altitude places. And i am lucky to born here. This place is always green and clean but now a days some industries are trying to buy lands here to open industries here and we are fighting against them.


If you see a beautiful house in this picture. Thats one of my house and i like this one most because its on the top of the mountain and also coverd by trees and you can have best scenic views from this place.
My place is away from the city and near to nature so if you want to come here contact me i ll welcome you all with my open heart.


NAURADHAR is a village situated in district sirmaur of himachal pradesh..
This place is very very close to my heart. I spent my childhood here. Today i again visited to this place and i got nostalgic. I really miss those days when i woke up early in the morning for school and we have to walk for 2 to 3 kms to reach to school.
So this place has my heart.


Nohradhar is the base camp for Churdhar peak which is 17 km away from Nohradhar and also Churdhar is the highest peak of Sirmaur.
The beauty of this place is super amazing, it feels like heaven.
Here i have spent my life's most precious moment which i am sharing with you.


In village life is totally different. We have to do lots of hard work, lots of efforts for our survival.we have to collect the woods for cooking , had to walk for so long to catch a bus but this is all fun.
This life i like the most because people are becoming lazy and they are forgetting the real meaning of life. Humans are making their life easy which will lead them to laziness. So thats why I am posting this.
I hope you will like it..
See you soon


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The place is indeed a fairyland 😍 breathing the fresh air and seeing the beauty of nature is what I love the most when places like this. Thank you for sharing your birthplace, @themountainsheep!

Your welcome❤️

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