Sapa town - where nature and people harmonize

in Worldmappin3 years ago

Sapa town is a familiar place for many tourists when coming to Vietnam. This place is known for the highest peak of Fansipan mountain in the country. Besides, there are also villages with unique and interesting cultural such as Cat Cat village, Ta Van village. Today I will tell my interesting story when visiting Sapa at the end of 2019


I visited Sapa on a cool day with a temperature of about 20 degrees . It was the first day of October 2 years ago, this is a very beautiful time to admire the golden rice fields that were going to be harvested.


How to come here?

From Hanoi, you take a car on the highway to the North about 6 hours. Sapa belongs to Lao Cai province where the Hmong people live mainly. Going to Sapa, you can stay at a hotel or a homestay. Hotels in Sapa are very diverse with different prices
To be able to travel easily and see the beautiful scenery, I recommend you to rent a motorbike for 150,000 VND ($7) a day. In Sapa, there are also many tour guides who can lead you to explore

Let's start the journey



The first place that I visited was Cat Cat village. This village is very famous for the waterfall of Love and majestic nature. From Cat Cat, I saw a beautiful and attractive scene: terraced rice fields in a sea of ​​clouds.




Cat Cat village is a very busy trading place, you can meet a variety of sellers from children to the elderly. They sell small souvenirs at affordable prices. They knit a bag or bracelet from brocade yarn typical of the mountains. I have talked to these salespeople, they go out to sell for pleasure, small children are sold by their parents since childhood to get used to the job. The children enjoyed going to school and were happy when I shared sweets and cakes with them.




The next place is Ta Van village. This place is not as bustling as Cat Cat village, but more wild and magnificent. I enjoyed discovering the wooden rattan bridge that crosses the Muong Hoa stream. It's a risky experience because if you're not careful, you'll fall into the water



Ta Van is a combination of magnificent nature of streams, rocks and valleys or terraced fields. I met 2 lovely children in Ta Van, they knitted me a beautiful flower bracelet and even took pictures for us




Specialties in Sapa that cannot be missed are five-color sticky rice, grilled wild boar and chestnuts. You should also try wearing the colorful costumes of the Hmong, you will find it very strange and interesting


Sapa is very suitable for exploring and relaxing yourself after stressful working days. This place with nature and friendly and lovely people will definitely be a place to attract tourists to visit in the near future.

Thank you so much for reading my post. Wish you a day full of joy and happiness😉


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Hello @thu172, how are you?

What an amazing place, the landscapes are beautiful and the city looks great.

The photo of the village in the background with the river in front is great, thanks for sharing.

I love mountainous destinations and the contact with nature, when there is this proximity between village and nature it gets even better.

I hope one day to visit Vietnam.


Thank you for your sweet words. Wish you were here because it's the best time of the year to visit now☺️

Lovely photos and the story. Thank you very much for telling us about these beautiful places.

@tipu curate

Thank you so much☺️ your support encourages me a lot

cười tươi quá em ơi

Dạ tự tin mỗi nụ cười thui a ơi😢 thank a ạ

đi chơi thích thật đó

Dạ hehe đợt lâu rùi ạ chứ giờ muốn đi đâu cũng khó 😢

I love Sapa @thu172. I only went once in 2012 to climb the Fansipan mountain. Definitely will be back there for a full visit.

Sapa is highly-recommend destination. Hope that you will explore all there if having opportunity

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Thank you @LivingUKTaiwan and @Pinmapple team so much for your mention and support. I'm really delighted about that

Woo Look at those views.
Also made me glance towards the two world for people out there.
And, those tall buildings o n hill side always put me on scare.(Here in Nepal as well)
Looks like you had a beautiful day with villages, great portraits, and a great share. 🙌

Thank you so much for your comment😊

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The children are so cute and the scenery is beautiful as well. I saw you had a great trip to Sapa @thu172.

yeah these children impressed me a lot

Đẹp quá e ơi, nhìn là muốn đi ngay.

Tiếc hồi đó e ko kịp lên Fan a ạ😢 đi mỗi các bản và Ô Quy Hồ hic.

Thế là có lí do để quay lại em ạ.

Sapa đẹp thật mà vẫn chưa có cơ hội đi tới á. Mà cái cầu dây văng nhìn mạo hiểm ha 🙄 đi chắc lắc lư lắm em nhỉ.

Dạ cầu treo Tả Van sợ phết c ạ, nó ko vững chãi lắm cộng thêm ai sợ nước sẽ khá chóng mặt
Hehe mong có dịp c sẽ đến đây khám phá. E tới 1 lần cũng chưa kịp đi Fansipan c ạ

Ảnh nghệ nha. đúng chất idol giới trẻ đấy. haha

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment