A plead to help a young hustling youth to upset his school fees an debts.

in Worldmappin3 years ago (edited)


Hello all,

I have found it good and lovely to be a path of the great community and i totaly applaud all the generous effort generated from this great home,indeed i love hive ever since i signed i have been frequent due to school.

Today it wouldn't be nice if i had kept my pain in the dark and allow it consume me,knowing that if it did people will say why didn't you tell us,and i believe a problem solved halfway is a problem shared, furthermore things hasn't been smooth with me lately and i am still praying and trusting God for help and favor that will see to my solutions.

Well i am a student of the University of portharcourt rivers state Nigeria,a third year student studying chemical engineering, currently with just my dad,mommy has gone to be with the lord.Daddy was quite a great business man until social instability erupted and his business fall,leaving mom as the bread winner of the house, which wasn't easy for her ;mom struggled at her work place just in her kids should eat and leave a better life,dad as well did despite having a falling business.

It wasn't easy for we the kids leaving a management life even in this jet world,poverty made us to miss lots of opportunities and miss out in class as a result of lack of fees at times,textbook scarcely seen in my bag,i managed to learn how to read and write because school wasn't able to provide all its take to impart knowledge in me due to lack of money,my mom took it upon herself to teach me,that how i learn how to read and write.

Mom pass on at an early age 52 then i knew we are in for deep shit if God wouldn't help us,mom passed on as a result of illness diabetes and high blood pressure,no money to take her to a better hospital,getting drugs for her was like making a bicycle pull a ship,friends family members non were rich enough to help us,until she dead,then even the poorest in the neighbourhood gave us the little the had and those we didn't expect money brought money well thats life.


Dad has been struggling to arrest the academic life of the rest of his kids and it not funny at all, being a single father with no one to call you honey as a wife and assist when needs arises it hurt,seeing the situation of my family ; i engage in interior and exterior design (painting) which has been a source of income for me as a student,however if i cant meet up with the demands of school i am prompt to drop out but God has just been helping me.

I joined the hive as a result of need to make funds and assist my home and schools at large,help friends and people in hold, so i could ease off strees from my dad efforts,i need my dad to leave long and at least rip the effort of his labour both for his gone wife,i have been the one taking care of my bills and has been a philanthropists because i believe giving brings more to your pockets aha it works.

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Painting work is not a frequent job because it doesn't come at all times and once it tarry long i end up staffing, during that period in order to survive i had to take a loan from my bank hoping to settle them before due as i always do,but this time i didn't meet up,and now my bank is on my neck,always extracting any funds that enter my account,struggling with that my school fees,house rent are pending ,yet no funds to upset them.


Praises to God a got a job hug a enough to settle my debts,halfway but along the line i had challenges as the work is ongoing,the owners of the house discarded one of the foreign design (stucco) done in her anty room,which has made works that should has lasted for about five day to stay up to a month,hence all the profit i made from the work, i am using them to purchase materials just to ensure i deliver the job,some materials i couldn't purchase due to lack of fund so i collected them on credit hoping to pay back soon as possible. Because the house owner has threatened to luck me up if i wouldn't finish up her job.

This has been my pains lately and i have sit to take a bold step,just to set my self free from all this issues,but how can i achieve that since vote in the hive community seems terrible,that is to say in all post i have made,i haven't even gotten much and hence discourages,that wasn't what i saw when i joined the system because i read through it history and aim before signing up,but coming to think of it there's no sign of good up vote but i hope things change with time

I would increase activities in hive communities,join any ongoing contest if there be any i could lay my hands on,which i know would pay and asist anyone where necessary and reach out to those that haven't joined the platforms to partake as well,just as i did last week two(2)recruit,the week one(1),i have a goal and i believe in making every body around me rich,such that when you get stuck in finance you can pick little from all and be rich again. Thus frequent post will be done within the time line frame to meet up with this demands peradventure, and i hope i could get this debt upset.

I will effortlessly seek for more painting jobs and seek help from uncles around,meanwhile i depend on God for survival and i know he will definitely take me out of this deep shit,however as i trust God for my school fee before school portal closes,i trust him in all mean for the source.

I will also reach out to friends and wellwishers just as i have done here in hive trusting the come to the aid of this mater, just in, hive is the current source of my income,which i appreciate God for there efforts,but if it happens that i got this debt up set through it,I'm going to be the happiest person,Nonetheless as i have promised to promote hive even from my Introduction post,i haven't declined from doing that, eversince i have been preaching hive as a gospel,just to fulfil my promise.

As i trust God my prayers for the successfulness of the hive blog remains my priority peace.

@trafalgar @andre-verbrick @galenkp @ocdb @smooth