Let's visit together the church with an age of over 300 years and life in the countryside in the small village of Goila in Bihor county, Romania

in Worldmappinlast year

Let's visit together the church with an age of over 300 years and life in the countryside in the small village of Goila in Bihor county, Romania

The Romanian village represents life in all its structural splendour of the free man, rising from the shadow of the stones. Camelia Oprița


A week ago I was on my way to my grandparents' house in Bihor county, I was going there with my father and my wife to attend the alms of my grandfather who died six weeks ago, in the small rural villages here in Romania there are all kinds of customs related to these sad events.

Goila, the village where we are going, is located in Căbești commune, Bihor county, it is a rural village with a population that does not exceed 160 inhabitants, the village has only a few streets being quite airy.

Here we can still find old houses but also houses that have been rehabilitated, the inhabitants are mostly engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry.

Until there we had to cover about 150 kilometers, that is two and a half hours, we chose the route Arad-Zimandul Nou-Chisineu-Criș-Salonta-Tinca-Coșdeni-Goila, the road is good except for a few kilometers in Bihor county that are under repair and we had to stay on certain parts of the road at the traffic lights.


Very ingenious this owner of this house, hehe.

After leaving Arad we got hungry, so at the entrance to Zimandul Nou, after crossing a railway crossing, we stopped by the side of the road to eat a "langos", let me explain what this type of food is, Langos is a traditional Hungarian food, it is cooked in many areas of Romania, it is a dough similar to pizza dough that is fried in sunflower oil (I know it has a lot of calories and is not so healthy, but sometimes we can make an exception, hehe), then it is filled with cheese, sour cream, garlic, cheese or walnut.



After a rather tiring drive we reach our destination, I didn't think too long and asked a local to show me the village church and its interior(that's after the moment of alms was over), I've been here a few times before but never found anyone to open the door, so I took advantage now.




He tells us that if the church had eyes and mouth to tell us how many times it went through it would be something amazing, as it is the witness of the passage of time over this village, being listed in the heritage of historical monuments.

The church does not stand out with spectacular murals or stained glass windows, it is modest and simple as it has been since it was built.













I must admit that when I visit churches or cathedrals I am impressed by the grandeur of the interior, the paintings done in the smallest details, the organ, the stained glass windows, but this one really impressed me by its simplicity, when you look at the stained walls, the wooden doors, the beams pierced by cavities, the excessively worn floor, you have a feeling that you cannot explain.






After we finished the photo shoot inside the church, my cousin invited us to go with him to the arable field where he was going to sow corn.

Even though we didn't have a change of clothes, we all got in the tractor and headed for the field, but not before I took the drone with me to capture a few images and from above.







What followed was a real spectacle, we dressed up and walked through the fields until we reached a spring, there we met two locals who were working on the train and didn't understand what we were doing there dressed like that.


















My dear followers and visitors, this was the visit of the 300 years old church and a small part of rural life in Goila, Bihor county.

If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached pictures you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone and drone, and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug!😊


Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much @ackhoo and @qurator.

Hi what beautiful photos, the views with the drone I really liked.

What a curious church, it looks small from the inside because it is so cozy and you can see how old it is.

Nice photos of the husband and wife, I enjoyed reading your post.

I'm glad you liked my photos, indeed, the traces of the passage of time over this little church are very visible.
I love to visit such places that have an incredible history.
Thanks for stopping by.

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What a fantastic little church, but I am wondering if you just use these trips out just as an excuse to EAT!!!!! lol

You're right, when I plan to visit something I also look for places where you can eat well, hehe.
The church has a special charm.

food and fotos, brilliant!

The perfect combination.


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Great trip that you share with us here. A 300 years old church! You can see that the passage of time has hit it, but it still makes the effort to stand.

Great photos you took with the drone!

It seems that even though the years have passed this church still resists to remain as in the beginning.
Glad you liked the drone shots.
Greetings from Romania!

I am sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.

We also have langos in Slovakia. I didn't have it for many years but I remember being sick every time I ate it. It's delicious but too heavy for me.

I like this kind of traditional villages. And that church is charming 🙂

Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!

Thank you.

I actually ate langos in Slovakia a few years ago when I visited Bratislava, you make a very good point, your langos is very fatty (greasy), clearly very high in calories and not very healthy, I wrote that in my post about the one in Romania too, hehe, but once in a while we can eat one on a whim.

I love visiting villages that have a rich history and sharing their charm with you.

There are many such villages in Romania that have an amazing history, but unfortunately I don't have much time to visit them, but every time I have the chance to visit one, I will share it with you.

Increíble pictures😍
What a place!

Wow a 300-year-old church, how could people build it. From the above view, I can see that the area is covered with many trees. The air over there must be very fresh. Even though the life in countryside might be a little big inconvenience, the rewards are healthy food and good atmosphere.

Even if life in the countryside is not at the same level as in the city, I can say that in the countryside people live longer and happier because they eat products they have in the household, while in the city we buy them from the supermarket.
The spectacle of nature can only be seen in the village, it is something unique, especially if there is a forest, a meadow, a river nearby.
Thanks my friend for stopping by.