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RE: LOUVRE Abu Dhabi

in Worldmappin2 years ago

I've heard a lot about the Louvre museum in Abu Dhabi, I only got to visit the Louvre in France, which by the way is huge, you don't get one day to visit it all, but I really want to visit the Louvre in Abu Dhabi.
I would have been delighted to see even more pictures from inside, to see how far innovation and science can go.
Have a peaceful Sunday.


Thank you @triplug . I also visited the Louvre Paris, and yes, you are right, it needs a few visits to cover most of the exhibitions. Louvre Paris is definitely larger in size. To me, the interesting part was the element of surprise when I visited Louvre AD, because simply the building very stands out and looks like out of this world. In comparison, Louvre Paris has a very historical design that blends in well with the city; thus, it's kind of expected.