Hiking in Stellenbosch to the Paradyskloof Waterfall

in Pinmapple9 months ago


Impulsive choice

Back in the Western Cape and it was not long before the mountains called us. Since our arrival, heaven opened its gates and water poured all over. In some places even the snow and hail fell down. The first sun I saw on the weather forecast I cried out to @fermentedphil and demanded that we go into the mountains for a hike. We got him his own hiking boots but the shoes have not been sworn in by the mountains yet.


Before the wink of an eye we started searching for a mountain hike. I found a waterfall trail which was perfect after all this rain. The choice was made and our preparations commenced.


The path


At the parking space the views already blessed our day. The mountains made my heart beat faster and I could feel the excitement surging through me. We entered the park into a small pine forest and was greeted with a sign of all the trails. There were signs provided to indicate the different parts of the park but no signs or arrows pointing to the direction of the waterfall. There was one person who wrote on one of the arrows and that was all.


Nonetheless, we had our own map to follow and maneuvered our way onto the right track. It was a nice walk under the morning sun between the fynbos. At some stage we crossed the small stream and were met by some friendly dogs. It was nice to sit and listen to the movement of the water gliding down the mountain, breathing in the cold air and embracing nature in her entirety. I picked up a pebble to keep as a souvenir. One would never find me without one.



The hike carried on and led us through fynbos which were the same height as me. It felt as if I walked down an aisle of nature with the fynbos by my sides. At the end of this fynbos tunnel the waterfall were close and the terrain changed drastically. Quickly, we started ascending to the waterfall. The terrain became rough and at some point we were down on all fours climbing through the semi-muddy path. I started to question our safety for a little bit as it was wet and muddy, hence the climbing position.


The waterfall

Water sprayed over my cheeks and I was delighted to feel the cool drops. It was a magnificent view. I was in awe and almost certain that we found a part of the Garden of Eden. The waterfall wasn’t the only element of beauty. There was a cavity in the mountain beside the waterfall which was a scene from heaven in itself. Nature engulfed us and I felt pleasure like none other. It is an utter blessing to be able to experience this mystical scene.




Taking picnicking to a whole other level

We took some nuts and fruits along with us and took a break around the corner from the waterfall. I enjoyed our conversation stretching from existentialism to the simplicity of what we witness before us. I want to declare my love and appreciation for @fermentedphil. Thank you for being mine and choosing me, I truly love you.


After our small date we headed back and talked further the whole way down the mountain.

Parking lot spectacle

While packing our things away in the boot we saw a rare scene. Blue cranes! Of course we walked closer and marveled at their elegance. It was a special end to a sublime and eventful day.



We hiked a total of around 8km with an elevation of around 600m. It was a moderate hike except for the part near the waterfall. I would recommend going on a clear day in the rainy season. Some people have experienced no waterfall at some stages of the year. It is a seasonal waterfall so visit in the rainy season to avoid disappointment. Please prepare in advance if you want to do this route, it demands strength at times.


Thank you for appreciating the hike with me and reading this post. The photographs were taken with my iPhone, @fermentedphil’s D3200 and D300. The post is of my own creation about my experience.



Lord we are so blessed here in the cape. I thoroughly enjoyed your post and your stunning photography. Thanks for sharing 😍

WOW! You have some awesome photos there! The best clouds are after the rain, as you said, "a clear day in the rainy season"! I thought that the dog was yours... 😃
Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed the walk with you!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

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I wish the dogs were mine, they were really the sweetest!

What great pictures!
The connection you feel for the place you were able to convey with your words. I also liked the data you give us. Thank you

Thank you! I really appreciate the compliment <3

Stellenbosch has some wonderful walks.. tho alas I haven't done one in years. Perhaps in the future, I'll get another opportunity. The pup looks very stoked to be on such an adventure! Thanks for sharing your rare encounter with a Blue Crane as well - remarkable.

The mountains of Stellenbosch and Gordons Bay area are magnificent! If I could stay in those mountains I would.

Always such a pleasure to hike with you and talk about the heaviest of subject to the most inconsequential things. (And picking flowers, for you!)

Lovely words and photos, along on this walk!

Thank you for enjoying it <3

Wow, I love the photos 😊 Thank you for sharing with us 😊

Thank you very much!

It's amazing pictures

Thank you very much!

Amazing waterfall and congratulations! Amazing pictures! Very pro


Thank you very much! I appreciate the nice words and compliments <3

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