Journey to Sakhalin Island - A Place of Virgin Nature

in Worldmappin2 years ago (edited)

Sakhalin Island is primarily famous for its unspoiled nature: volcanoes, hills, black sand, waterfalls, abundant lakes. This wonderful island does not have a recognizable media image. For example, Kamchatka, which is located nearby, is known in many places. Sakhalin is an island with a difficult and interesting history: at the end of the 19th century, it was a place where prisoners were sent to hard labor. The Japanese ruled the island for the next 40 years, after which rare architectural monuments of that time have miraculously survived.


Sakhalin is located in the Far East, and the island is much closer to Asia than to central Russia. Together with the Kuril Islands, it is part of the Sakhalin Region. This is the only constituent entity of Russia that is entirely located on the islands. The proximity to Asia has largely determined the local culture and cuisine.

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To the northeast of the island is Kamchatka, to the left on the mainland - Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in the south - the Japanese island of Hokkaido. The west and south of Sakhalin are washed by the warm waters of the Sea of Japan, while the east and north are washed by the cold Sea of Okhotsk.


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I went to Sakhalin for the pristine nature and in order to overeat with fish and seafood, listen to the ocean and breathe the sea air. To be honest, I was amazed at this wonderful place.


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A little about Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Acquaintance with the island will inevitably begin from the capital - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where planes arrive. It is convenient to start your journey around the island from here: the sea is just a stone's throw away, no more than an hour's drive by car. It is also possible to travel by train or a huge cable car.


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Whichever way of transportation you choose, the incredible natural landscapes will haunt you all the time.

Ptichiy and Giant Capes


The cape, located on the southeastern coast of Sakhalin in the Korsakovsky region, is the territory of a natural monument and one of the most popular tourist routes in the island region. Along the entire coast from Cape Ptichiy to Cape Giant, grottoes, arches and pillars created by the wind and sea waves stretch. Walking along the rocky coastline, you can come across bird colonies and seal rookeries. This is probably the most impressive place in Sakhalin.


I have never seen so many arches formed by wind and water before. However, the disadvantage of staying here is the road. It is very difficult to walk through the sands on foot. For this reason, we were forced to rent motorcycles.


I didn’t dream of seeing seals, but I did come across numerous seabirds along the way. These birds were in flocks away from the coastline and perched on rock formations.

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All this natural splendor is complemented by a picturesque coniferous forest growing at the very edge of many-meter cliffs and sublittoral vegetation. Such a complex word describes the vegetation on the border of the sea and land: Mosses, flowers and algae. The spruce-fir forests in this place are quite dangerous as poisonous plants grow in them. However, the view from the cliffs is picturesque.

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It took me a whole day to visit this place. Capes Ptichiy and Giant left an indelible impression. Once again I am convinced that nature is the best artist.

The impression of the trip

Any journey for me leaves a mark in my memory and imprints on my perception. Each trip is a little life and an acquaintance with culture and nature. Sakhalin is a truly unique place that every traveler should visit.

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Sakhalin remained in my heart as a place that amazed me with its nature and culture. This beautiful island is home to all the best natural attractions. Sakhalin has seas and lakes, there are wild and impenetrable forests, there are high mountains and extraordinary rocks. Besides everything else, this place boils with life and has all the necessary infrastructure. The history of this island is truly unique, like everything else. Would I want to return to this place? The answer is unequivocal - Yes.

There are places of power for each of us, and Sakhalin Island is now one of my favorite places of power. Here you can get away with nature and reboot your mind. Sometimes this is vital.

Thank you, my beloved readers, for your attention. Wish you a Happy New Year and wonderful travels.

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