Rock phenomenon "The Kiss" and the temple

in Pinmapple4 months ago (edited)

Today I will tell you about two more unique places that I visited this weekend in the area of the village Mladezhko in Strandzha mountain.

One of them is the rock phenomenon "The Kiss".

It is reached by a steep path, and the feeling of being under these uniquely shaped rock masses is quite interesting.

The climb on that particular day was not very easy because of the extremely strong wind. But he didn't refuse us and together with my friends we went up to admire each other up close.

The two rock masses have indeed formed like faces frozen in a passionate kiss.

I looked and photographed with interest from all sides.

I didn't miss to climb on top of the rocks.

Along the path we saw single crocuses.

We went down carefully, and a large meadow with purple crocuses awaited us below.

Very close to "The Kiss" is a wooden castle, which has a wooden observation tower on its top.

Going up and down from there should be done carefully as it is a bit steep.

The view from the top is magical. The gorge of the Mladezhka river winding around the magnificent forest.

It deserved a moment of inner silence immersed in the feeling of the magic of Strandzha Mountain.

The nature around Mladezhko river is wonderful. Even in February we found so many flowers, herbs and mosses. It is full of caves, wooden bridges and interesting water forms that the river forms.

See my previous posts about Mladezko:

Thank you for stopping by!


Wow! Quite a special place to visit. Those old mountains have so many hidden stories and long history.

It's a very special place - it is. I feel like I'm still there ❤️.