Strandzha bike adventure in February

in Pinmapple3 months ago

This Sunday with @outlinez , @nanast and more of our friends, we did an interesting cycling trip in Strandzha mountain.

Actually, the route was planned in one way, but we changed it on the fly and you will see how interesting it turned out.

We left by car early in the morning from Burgas and headed south to the Black Sea village of Lozenets.

From Lozenets, we headed towards the village Velika, but without entering the village, but continuing in the direction of Fazanovo.

We reached the bridge leading to the village Fazanovo. We did not continue on it, but went on a dirt road that would take us to Popovi skali and Skokat waterfall.

There is mud and puddles in places.

We were entering the territory of Popova skala.

We started passing through uniquely beautiful places along the Trionska River.

We couldn't stop and take a closer look.

Around the rocks all around was full of the beautiful flowers of the Spring Buttercups.

The road continued to Waterfall Skoka.

We first reached a tourist shelter, which unfortunately was in a deplorable state due to the storms that had broken out.

But all around the view of the river was fabulous. The beautiful stones, the high cliffs, the flowing water.

A little higher up is Skoka waterfall, but unfortunately we couldn't see it because there was a collapsed road and a difficult passage ahead.

There followed quite a few such sections where the road was missing - it was covered either by stones or fallen trees. Much of the way we had to push the bikes rather than ride them.

After about a kilometer we reached the place where the river Trionska flows into the river Tisovitsa. But here, too, the road was missing, and to cross to the other end of the river we had to enter the water.

We started taking off shoes and socks, rolling up leggings, carrying bicycles.

Shoes can even be seen flying from one end of the river to the other.

Tisovitsa reserve started from here.

We started to see the leaves of Strandzhanska Zelenika, which will start to bloom in May.

Again, the road was missing in places and we had to find a way to move forward.

In one place, a Pijo and Penda martenichka was attached to a tree.

Twice we had to cross the river.

The water was cold but it was so refreshing and invigorating to dip your feet in the February water.

Around the river was full of beautiful flowers like these:

Under trees we found violets and the charming primroses.

We saw trees with tree mushrooms:

It was a long climb ahead. We reached a hunting lodge where we took a short rest.

Near it we saw a small lake full of frog eggs. Next to it, was a tree struck by lightning.

After that we decided to deviate slightly from the route to reach a shelter where we could pour fresh water and eat.

That's how we got to the "Fifty Beech" shelter.

After we rested, there was a descent to the village of Izgrev.

Where the dirt road ended and the descent on the asphalt began, there were large stones painted with the faces of famous Bulgarian personalities.

Passing Tsarevo, we returned to our starting point Lozenets, where we boarded the cars and returned to the city.

This day we cycle about 42 km. rugged terrain. We saw many sights, overcame many obstacles, experienced many emotions.

You can view the Relive track here:

Thank you for stopping by!


What an amazing cycling adventure around 42 km.

@tipu curate

Glad you like our adventure @ahmedhayat! Thank you!

You are welcome

It sounds like you had quite an adventurous cycling trip in Strandzha mountain! Exploring the picturesque landscapes, encountering challenges on the way, and crossing rivers added a touch of excitement to your journey. The photos and descriptions you shared give a vivid sense of the natural beauty and the obstacles you faced during the ride.😍

Cycling in Strandzha was very exciting indeed 😍. I am glad that through the photos you also felt the adventurous spirit of the trip @silviared945 🤗.

Yay! 🤗
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