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RE: Multicultural festival SA - experiencing over 50 cultures in one day

in Pinmapple3 years ago

Thanks for your comment and reminding me of Martin Strel! I honestly haven't thought of that name in a long time, I do remember them talking about him a lot back home but the video you posted actually demonstrates so much more details about him, I didn't know half the things they show here. It's a great representation for sure!
I think (other than Melania of course, no need to mention haha all good) that our country for the most part is famous for its really great athletes, like basketball players like Luka Doncic and ice hockey player Anze Kopitar. Many more but these two names especially stand out.
I would't say horse meat is really Slovenian thing, I'm sure people like it but I love horses too much to even think of eating one! In general horse meat is not used often in typical dishes, must be something Martin likes so they put it in the video.
Yea , coming to Australia has been extremely difficult project and money spent just mind blowing. I will write about that in one of my post, but wanted to wait till my visa is granted. Yes, after 6 years I am still waiting! The struggle is real and I can imagine USA would have its own useless rules that make everything more difficult than it needs to be.